Uncle Sam
I have always disliked the term ?glass-front vendor? to describe the computer-controlled vending machine we now use in the car wash business. It may have a glass window when used in the traditional vending environment of a lunch or break room installation or the car wash, but that does not transfer into the car wash business without some security enhancements. So I co-opted a computer term used in coding web site content to describe selling a product or service to the car wash customer: ?Wiziwig?, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get.
This, to me, describes more accurately the computer-controlled "marketing" machine we use in the car wash business with the ability of the customer to see the products available for purchase even with all the security features that are necessary to protect the customer and make the system successful.
The ShurVend ?Wiziwig? machines; I kind of like that!!
Uncle Sam
This, to me, describes more accurately the computer-controlled "marketing" machine we use in the car wash business with the ability of the customer to see the products available for purchase even with all the security features that are necessary to protect the customer and make the system successful.
The ShurVend ?Wiziwig? machines; I kind of like that!!
Uncle Sam