Hope this question makes sense lol?
Has any one upgraded their 4000 to a virtual treadle using wash world?
I know it is more involved than using
Pdq but my main question is if any of the upgrade can be re used when up grading to a
Or could it not be reused like the
Pdq product?
Once Apon a time
Washworld made a upgrade kit for the Laser 4000 and gave you washveiw New JO cabinet VS2 virtual treadle, New Eyes and all the goodies. It was very pricey back then I want to say 8K+ no Labor. I don't know if
WashWorld still sells that upgrade kit any more. Pretty much you would have a High Velocity operating system on a 4000 Bridge and rails. I have found it way more economical to just get a used 4000 with virtual treadle with 20.0C software A5000 and just instail that or a used
WashWorld you would be ahead of the game in long run. I beleive the
Razor is in a different category on parts for the control system. Just my opinion. Maybe someone will chime in and correct me and guide you more. Do you already have the 4000 running at your site?