WCA Report
Soapy did a good job of reporting what we did at the WCA show this past week and I have to agree that the Midway event was terrific. The award to JJ on Tuesday night was well deserved. If the preliminary attendance numbers are confirmed, then the WCA show has turned the corner in reversing the steady decline in the number who register for the show. That is good news indeed!!
That is what we exhibitors want to see; more attendees. I did not exhibit this year as posted previously, so I had a chance to walk the show floor for the first time in 12 years. I saw many old friends and customers during my time there and was able to chat with many if them. I solved a few problems and got to hear some feedback which is always welcome. I talked with many of my vendors about their products to learn the newest ideas that are coming down the pipeline. Everything is constantly changing for all of us.
Congratulations to the WCA Board and to those that planned the events which increased the attendance; it takes great courage to strike off in a new direction when the numbers are not going your way. The show will be in San Diego next year and I will reconsider exhibiting again.
Uncle Sam