Any idea how to get TDS out of well water to use in SS & IBA? I have an old well that I could possibly use but it is very high in TDS. I forget how high, just know it is VERY high.
I might start at calling a water conditioning business to sample the water for you. There may be a whole lot more to the well water than just very high TDS. There is hardness turbidity for starters you may need to treat. Get them to tell you about the water and then start you plan of action. This is where I might start. Hope this helps.
I would think that you would need a high quality commercial/industrial RO system. A system that would deal with a high TDS level would probably also require more maintenance as well. Deionization would also be an option but I don't believe deionization works as well as an RO unit especially when you are dealing with a high TDS level. I agree with Mac. You need to contact a company that works with industrial units, not the Culligan type company.
I have a well. After softening, the water is 0 grains hardness and 785 ppm TDS. I use that water for all my soap and wax functions. I have an R/O unit for my final rinse that uses 4 cold water membranes that produce 1 gpm of 1-2 ppm TDS permeate. Works great and consistently produces 240 GPH. I capture the reject and use it in my high pressure pre-wash.
I'd think about using a swimming pool sand filter then just mix it with city water starting with 20% well water and just increasing the percentage until you have a problem then back it off and see if there are any ill effects. Of course run it through the softener just like the city water.
Also, if the well has been stagnant for a long time, the water quality may improve after you've started using the well continuously. You might try running it constantly for a few days before having it tested.