Ontario Car Wash
Sometimes you cant help stupid people
thoughts and prayers but its not the end of the world
i went thru samething five years ago when a friend got shot outside of my bar and grill
been there 25years and at closing my friend went out to car to get a pack of cigs and pop pop shot five times over who knows what anyways dead and pretty much killed my biz. It was torcher did not even want to reopen but the community and friends stuck by knowing it was just a random crack head walking the streets that had 5 outstanding warrents go figure.
Anyways good luck
just remember sometimes it just is what it is no matter how hard you try you cant help stupid people
thoughts and prayers but its not the end of the world
i went thru samething five years ago when a friend got shot outside of my bar and grill
been there 25years and at closing my friend went out to car to get a pack of cigs and pop pop shot five times over who knows what anyways dead and pretty much killed my biz. It was torcher did not even want to reopen but the community and friends stuck by knowing it was just a random crack head walking the streets that had 5 outstanding warrents go figure.
Anyways good luck
just remember sometimes it just is what it is no matter how hard you try you cant help stupid people