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Wet Coin sorter


I am using a Klopp wich is like re-inventing the wheel.

I also have a Magner 110 .. great unit but if there is any moisture whatsoever on the spin wheel it is impossible to work. The nice thing about the 110 is it sorts token and change as well as tabulates at the same time. If the coin is dry it works great. If not I would have better chances storming Normandy beach.

Question is.. Are there solid automated coin counters out there on hte market that count wet coin quickly and effectively?
I used the Klopp for several years. If the coins are not excessively wet, it worked quite well. You can also push up the rubber 'buttons' in the spinning part and it works even better. I don't know if any other machines work better or are capable of processing wet coins.

We have been using a coin scale for about two years now. It is the best for counting bulk quarters (if you don't have to roll them). We take our coins to the bank in bags, so this works great for us.

I?ve used both a Klopp and a Scan coin 303 to count and sort coins. They both worked well with wet coins. I?ve had water dripping out of the bottom of the Scan coin 303 and it still worked well. The Klopp also worked well with wet coins. Clean off the wheel with brake cleaner and push up the rubber buttons on the wheel ever so slightly, be careful to not push them out of the wheel.
our 20 year old brandt counter just died and i cant find any repair centers in n.c. we have a inexpensive counter/sorter that we use to sort our 1.25 size tokens from the quarters and it works fairly well, but the cheap sorter is a very slow quarter counter and requires a lot a calibrations to go from tokens back to quarters. i was think about using our current sorter to sort tokens from the quarters and then use a coin scale just for the quarters as our bank does not require us to wrap. what are some of your thoughts and where is the best place to get a coin scale. thanks
I'm with you, RB. I have four of the Scan-coin sorters and any water renders them nearly useless. They must have a different type of water up there in the NW.
The only counter I've seen that can handle wet coins is the Klopp, other than a counting scale. As far as sorters, I've never even seen a Klopp sorter, but if it's constructed in the same way as their counters it should do the job. I made a sorter out of a bucket by drilling slightly-larger-than-quarter-sized holes in the bottom, then pouring the mixed coins in and shaking it. It worked pretty well, but it's really hard on the lower back if you have a lot to sort.
We use a Brandt 650 sorter I bought about 10 years ago and it's still going strong even though I backed it up with another 650 and also bought a Cummins 2000 and put those one on the shelf in the warehouse.

E-bay has one like ours. Check it out. Item number: 230184554759

We count quarters, dollars and 1 1/8 tokens. The tokens are valued at a buck and they go in the 50 cent sorter slot. You can very easily change the readout to value the 50 cent slot to a buck.
MEP After reading your thread I called my daughter and asked her that question. She said Mom says it won't but my daughter says it will.

My daughter said if you feed it into the conveyor belt slower it will handle it, but if you just dump the pile into the hopper with the conveyor they will have a problem with it. The Brandt has a tray on top that you dump the money on and then you lift the tray that spills it into a hopper with a tractor feed. If it's fed slower then it's not a problem when wet.

Along with the discussion of wet coins we make it a point to have holes in all of our money trays so you don't have a quart of water in the tray when it's emptied. If they're really wet we have a hair dryer in the office and before dumping it out of the money bag they will stick the hair dryer in the bag and close the top of the bag around it and then shift the bag around so the hot air gets around everything.

The warm coins for some reason fly through it pretty well.

Keep in mind my wife signs the checks and knows how to do that well, but a mechanic she is not. My daughter on the other hand runs the crews and like Lisa understands mechanics.

We also have the heaters in each bay which helps keep the coins dry in case some wise-a$$ wants to stick the gun in the coin slot and pull the trigger.
I have the cummins guy comming over this week to demo the 2000. Do you recommend it?

He says it will handle wet coin. I am hoping to count and sort all at one time.. I use token and quarters in my bays....

I have the cummins guy comming over this week to demo the 2000. Do you recommend it?

He says it will handle wet coin. I am hoping to count and sort all at one time.. I use token and quarters in my bays....

We also have a Cummins 2000 which we have had for over 4 years now. It is very heavy duty & has been trouble & maintenance free. As far as wet coins it probably will but we tend to dry our coins because we think that the counter stays cleaner that way. As an option you can make it so the bags stop at precise amounts with no overrun or with a slight overrun such as 1-4 coins. The overrun is easy because its readout says the number overruns above the PGS setting so you just reliably add them to the next bag---not really a problem.

Ask the Cummins guy what it would cost extra to set it up so you can drop the subtotals etc into your connected computer just in case down the road you would like to do this. Kevin Reilly says you can adjust something to make it so the tokens can count. As far as the dollar token counted as 50 cents I know you can make a connected computer adjust easily so you don't have to manually calculate the adjustment.

We are hoping to go to tokens in addition to quarters & dollar coins within a few months so we may need to make that supposedly easy adjustment on the counter. Let us know what the Cummins guy says about the token adjustment work around. It seems like token people would need that ability to adjust & it would have to be reliable & consistent.
My Brandt machine identifies and counts the token with no problem taking them to the 50 cent bag, and we just programmed that slot with the touch screen as a dollar.

When I bought the Cummins (on e-bay) I had to buy the mother board for it. I then started testing it with quarters, tokens and dollars and it was inconsistent with the tokens.

After looking at it the electrical pulse slot that counts as the coin goes through it was too far away as the coins went through the slot (because 1 1/8" is smaller than a half dollar), so I unscrewed the pulse switch (that's what I call it because I don't have a schematic). I then filed the slot so it set further in to the place that the coin goes through and then it worked fine.
Once I learned how to program it and that it worked for us I put it on the shelf waiting for the Brandt to quit and it hasn't quit yet. It runs like a "timex"!

Mike has said his is good, but if you're going to use 1 1/8" tokiens ask the guy that's selling it to you, or email me. I'll pull mine down and shoot a photo of what I did!
When I talked to the head guy at the Cummin's booth in Vegas he was a real rude a$$hole. I wouldn't buy one if it were free, and you won't see their ads, here unless that dude, gets fired first.

When you wrote you learned how to program it ....does that mean you actually got the Cummins 2000 to show the 50 cent count as the value you have designated for each token on its readout? In other words, let say you count 5 quarters & 3 dollar coins & 5 dollar value tokens. Will the sub batch total dollar amount on its readout show the exact amount of $9.25 or will it show $6.75?

2nd question, how expensive was that new motherboard that you had to buy for it? Was the nearest Cummins dealer your only option to buy the part from?

At one time every bank in our area had Brandt coin counters. Now, they all have transitioned to Cummins. The point I want to make is that it is the only brand of counter with local service that hopefully will never be needed.
I was able to program the Brandt to show the 50-cent bag as a buck to handle the token.

I don't remember about the Cummins, but I think it's feasable, but is a question to ask the company by phone so they'd have more time to think about it.

When I bought the Brandt (used), I was told that De La Rue had bought out Brandt. Their (De la rue's) machine is quite different.

I bought the Cummins as a back-up and have never had to use it.

The motherboard was around $950.00 and looking back I could probably have sent the board in for repair but did not. I don't know if there are any other dealers around to buy parts from. One company that I have done business with is ABC coin out of Texas for parts on our other counters.

The Brandt was much simpler to learn than the Cummins as I recall. The other thing that was different on the cummins is you have to keep pushing the coins into the hole. It would be nice to have a hopper with a tractor feed like the Brandt has. Our brandt has a tray on top. You pour your bag in the tray that is hinged. Lift it and spill the coin into the hopper which has a tractor feed into the counter. When coins are dry you just dump it into the hopper til it's full. If they're wet you don'[t dump it but feed it slower so you don't overwhelm the spinning table that feeds it into the counter.
Consider a Scan Coin SC360. It's pricy. Its straight path off the wheel provides excellent throughput with adjustability on the finger like belt to place more force on coins. It counts fast!
Has anyone found a good source for the Scan Coin 360. I'm Looking at them, but haven't found the source I would like to buy from as yet or a price that I can stand.
Charles Ho said:
Consider a Scan Coin SC360. It's pricy. Its straight path off the wheel provides excellent throughput with adjustability on the finger like belt to place more force on coins. It counts fast!
It doesn't handle wet coins well, and it doesn't "sort" - it only counts the largest coin and ejects the rest.
Well, that put the 360 in the minus column quickly. I have an older Brandt (about 35 years old) and it has never missed a beat. If they do not make it anymore who else has a bullet proof counter sorter? I had rather have an older unit that last 35 plus years than a cheap one that half works and last 10 years.