I couldn't tell you the name of the guy I talked to, it has been over a year or so. I believe I posted a thread about it, you'll have to do a search. All I can remember is that there aren't alot of people there and he had something to do with all carwash products.
I had called them to find out how to disable the grace time feature and to ask about the wiring of the timer. I was told the grace time cannot be disabled. As for the wiring, I had wasted alot of hours trying to troublshoot the new timers only to find out that they were not internally jumpered like the schematic indicated. When I brought that to his attention, I basically got a 'too bad' and our conversation went downhill from there.
From that point, I vowed not to buy another US Paraplate product. We had also been standardized on their weep trigger guns which we have used for over 15 years. I had always been happy with that product until about the same time. It seemed like we had a bunch of guns that failed right out of the box. We've since started switching to Sutner guns which are less expensive and have been problem free.