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Which Debit Card Readers are best ?


I read horrible reviews of CryptoPay and Nayax both.
Monex fees are horrible compared to the other two mentioned above.
Washcard wants waay too much of my gross for an app that I just cant see my customers utilizing.
I am strongly considering adding Nayax and Dixmor timers so I can count up.
Anybody willing to share ?

1. Which Debit Card System do you use ?
2. How long have you had it ?
3. How would you rate it 1-10 ?
4. How many issues do you experience per month ?
5. What would you do differently if purchasing now ?
6. Any lessons learned ?
7. Are there some other players in this space I am overlooking or have not found ?

I appreciate everyone who shares their experiences as I continue to learn everyday.
There's WashGear, you bring your own processor and keep all but the basic fees. It would've been great with the service Costco used to offer that was something ridiculously low like 1.2% and no transaction fees. WashGear's hardware is pretty expensive and it has to be hardwired, but it seems to be very hearty and IMO would pay off in the long run.
What were Monex fees like? I considered them but I don’t think they can be configured for count up, a must imo for vacs and bays.

I have Nayax on my vacs in count up and thinking about adding them to my bays. They’re pretty reliable but when they do stop accepting, there’s nothing to tell you they’re out of order through the app or online.
They will keep saying they’re connected until a customer or a time without sales threshold is reached, I set mine for 20 hours. The it will send a text notification.
Still think they’re the best so far. I love the ability to tap cards, phones and insert chip cards when the customers debit tap limit is reached (Canada)
We have cryptopay. Overall I have been happy with it. Our all in fees have averaged around 4.3%. We have had it installed for just over 3 years. The downside is that it seems that a fair amount of our customers have to swipe multiple times to get the swiper to read the card. For some reason this is worse at our autocashier than in the ss bays. I wish they offered a chip reader option too. Overall it is a system that I don't have to think too much about and customers spend WAY more when using card than with cash so it more than pays for itself. I would purchase Cryptopay again if given the option but would go a different route on the automatic because a customer having to swipe several times slows down our line when we are busy.
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I was on the fence about CryptoPay when I was going through the same scenario about a year ago. Read a ton of bad reviews and issues but after a lot of research and talking to different companies it seemed like the only move that made since. After I put the swipers and tap and pays on my selfservice bays I was very happy with them. Install was super simple, and was done quite quickly and have since swapped over both my Autos and added it to my vending machine as well as vacuums on site. The issues I have ran into have been resolved very quickly, everyday (monday-friday) their live chat is available and has been almost instantaneous anytime there has been an issue. There rates are actually better than what I was getting before and lower than what many of my peers are getting (higher volume I assume) and the 2 hour window to batch transactions was very helpful since I have quite a few customers who will bring multiple cars on weekends or use multiple pieces of equipment on their visit.

Just my .02 for the cost they can't be beat. I was sold on Nayax until I tried to get with their support and couldn't even get ahold of much to anyone who had some solid answers and not many were knowledgeable about them being a car wash application it seemed (I may have just never talked to the right person) but I wanted good support outside of my installer and Cryptopay has yet to leave me hanging or have a major issue. The Tap and Pays (while bulky) I was hesitant to add but the useage is quite a bit more than I would've anticipated and I'm very happy I added those as an option on top of the swipers since we all know some people have terrible stripes or keep their cards in or around magnetic wallets/ phones so it's a great fail safe and just takes a little customer education. My self serves get about 30% tap and pay useage on CC transactions and my autos are around 40% tap and pay on credit card transactions so well worth the addtional cost imo.

Hope this helps!
Cryptopay here for four years now on our auto, vacs and SS bays. On the equipment side the only issues we had was the buttons went bad quickly. When they go bad they close the circuit and the customer gets charged the minimum if you are using count down mode. The buttons can be replaced by Crytptopay for $150 each (or at least it used to be) or you can replace them yourself for cheap if you are handy. There is a thread on it here somewhere. Since we went to count up in the bays I'm sure they will last so much longer. For some reason the design of the swipers only reads about 95% of cards. Many times I have seen brand new looking cards that won't read. We installed the Crypto Tap on our auto cashier and that probably helped some of that because they can pay with their phone or a card that has tap-to-pay capabilities. Someday we may add them to our bays. Unfortunately the only processor you can use is WorldPay and they suck. I don't mean regular suck I'm talking level 11 suck. It is really hard to believe that Cryptopay decided on them as our only choice. They do have a gift card program that is really pretty good when you get it all sorted out. We call it our Wash Card and use it them for customer loyalty. Cryptopay's customer service is great but it is only normal 9-5 M-F hours. Our fees always seem to hover just under 5% all in. As far as Nayax I contacted them with some questions a year ago or so because I thought about trying a reader and they never responded back. They do not look look they would hold up for years in a self serve bay like the Cryptopay swipers do.
I've got cryptopay. It's pretty reliable. I just checked the other day of my March statement and I'm running about 4.2% fees at both locations. I like to do count up displaying cash on my devices so I haven't looked at other options. I've got the tap on the autos but I will likely install it on all devices in the next few Months. As mentioned worldpay customer service has terrible offshore support, but you rarely have to talk to them.
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There's WashGear, you bring your own processor and keep all but the basic fees. It would've been great with the service Costco used to offer that was something ridiculously low like 1.2% and no transaction fees. WashGear's hardware is pretty expensive and it has to be hardwired, but it seems to be very hearty and IMO would pay off in the long run.
Their site appears to be down.
I was on the fence about CryptoPay when I was going through the same scenario about a year ago. Read a ton of bad reviews and issues but after a lot of research and talking to different companies it seemed like the only move that made since. After I put the swipers and tap and pays on my selfservice bays I was very happy with them. Install was super simple, and was done quite quickly and have since swapped over both my Autos and added it to my vending machine as well as vacuums on site. The issues I have ran into have been resolved very quickly, everyday (monday-friday) their live chat is available and has been almost instantaneous anytime there has been an issue. There rates are actually better than what I was getting before and lower than what many of my peers are getting (higher volume I assume) and the 2 hour window to batch transactions was very helpful since I have quite a few customers who will bring multiple cars on weekends or use multiple pieces of equipment on their visit.

Just my .02 for the cost they can't be beat. I was sold on Nayax until I tried to get with their support and couldn't even get ahold of much to anyone who had some solid answers and not many were knowledgeable about them being a car wash application it seemed (I may have just never talked to the right person) but I wanted good support outside of my installer and Cryptopay has yet to leave me hanging or have a major issue. The Tap and Pays (while bulky) I was hesitant to add but the useage is quite a bit more than I would've anticipated and I'm very happy I added those as an option on top of the swipers since we all know some people have terrible stripes or keep their cards in or around magnetic wallets/ phones so it's a great fail safe and just takes a little customer education. My self serves get about 30% tap and pay useage on CC transactions and my autos are around 40% tap and pay on credit card transactions so well worth the addtional cost imo.

Hope this helps!
Thank You for the information. I truly appreciate it.
Tried Crypto on half my bays . In a couple months did the other half. Then added 4 vacs. About as "headache Free" as most any other car wash piece of equipment.
There's WashGear, you bring your own processor and keep all but the basic fees. It would've been great with the service Costco used to offer that was something ridiculously low like 1.2% and no transaction fees. WashGear's hardware is pretty expensive and it has to be hardwired, but it seems to be very hearty and IMO would pay off in the long run.

We have been using WASHGEAR readers in all 3 of our car washes for 15 years (very harsh climate, butal winters, sweltering summers). 16 self serve bays and 2 automatics. They are absolutely the best. You own them outright and pay exactly zero fees to WASHGEAR. Being hardwired they are incredibly reliable and the construction of the units is bulletproof. We almost never have any problems. I forget they are even there, they just RUN. The self serve bays are a single slide and count up - the customer simply hits the stop button when they are done. David and Jason are fantastic to work with anytime I have a question for them.
Hands down, that’s who I’d recommend. And we had used other equipment previously, it can’t compare.
Did some calcultions and the nayax will cost me slightly more than crytopay ($200 month) if I do SS and VAC only. The problem is the Monthly 7.99 fee and the higher % on the low ticket units My vacuums average 2.70 so I will pay 5.95% for processing on those. My SS ticket average is 8.02. But I think the more freindly interface might increase ticket average to make up for it. Also looking at the possible coinless integration thats on the way. If I use these on the automatics the advantge will flip to nayax because of the higher volume and ticket average.
A few points of clarification on MONEX. Our acquirer is TSYS (Global Payments), MONEX is the processor. It is not 9.95 per device, but rather 9.95 airtime that connects all devices, we do offer an extended warranty for $9.95 per month (optional) but would include support. 10 debit support fee absent of extended warranty would be approx. $474 a year. Statement fee is $4.95 per location not per device. Also, the PCI fee is a single fee per application not per device. Installation is optional, the minimum is $1500 if you choose us to install. We absolutely offer Apple and Google Pay. We can work with third party loyalty program. If you use your own router that would not be necessary, though we encourage it. Full disclosure I am a MONEX employee. Feel free to dm me for more info.
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I talked to Nayax today and was told it may be possible to choose your own processor. He didn't know the details yet, but said they had been told this may be coming.
I read horrible reviews of CryptoPay and Nayax both.
Monex fees are horrible compared to the other two mentioned above.
Washcard wants waay too much of my gross for an app that I just cant see my customers utilizing.
I am strongly considering adding Nayax and Dixmor timers so I can count up.
Anybody willing to share ?

1. Which Debit Card System do you use ?
2. How long have you had it ?
3. How would you rate it 1-10 ?
4. How many issues do you experience per month ?
5. What would you do differently if purchasing now ?
6. Any lessons learned ?
7. Are there some other players in this space I am overlooking or have not found ?

I appreciate everyone who shares their experiences as I continue to learn everyday.

1. Which Debit Card System do you use ? Crypto Pay
2. How long have you had it ? 2 years ish
3. How would you rate it 1-10 ? 10
4. How many issues do you experience per month ? 0
5. What would you do differently if purchasing now ? Add the tap to pay option as well as making sure the coin count wires were hooked up from the start. (i pay for the site analytics to track purchases and coin counts, as well as what bays are "better")
6. Any lessons learned ? make sure you have them on every service option to capture your most potential.
7. Are there some other players in this space I am overlooking or have not found ? several but your on the main ones.

i haven't had near the problems a lot of people have for some reason. either its the way i maintain my swipers (i clean them once a week and clean the reader once a weeks) or im just really lucky. i reach out to support via the site and usually get a response within 10-15 mins. it tracks every swipe and quarter deposited which makes it very easy to see how the wash is doing at a quick glance. i also know how full my drop safes are so i know when i need to collect. I'm on count up and with my $3 min for cc my average purchase over the last year is $6.32 on cc alone. currently our fees are about 7%(last month was 5.5%) however its because we not hitting the "minimum bill" requirement. so they adjust for that. which WorldPay is "looking in to". what i will say is most if not 90% of the problem with crypto pay is in fact World pay. not crypto pay. haha hope this help s a little!
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Just ordered two nayax to test. I like the modern interface but unless my ticket average goes up they will be more expensive than cryptopay. I'm going to put one on my busiest bay and busiest vacuum at one site. The KYC process was a bit clumsy, requiring uploading of corporation documents, I-9, Dl, etc. There is also a merchant agreement for a twelve Month minimum that automatically renews unless you give a 30 day notice.

If your minimum purchase is less than $5 you pay a 5.95% fee at the beginning. However, Harry said that once it's clear that your average transaction is above $5 you can call and they will adjust to reflect the lower rate that is so heavily promoted.
Please let us know how it goes. I am embarking down the cryptopay path after much research and hesitation. The Nayex device was more attractive to me but I fear it won’t hold up at my washes.
Please let us know how it goes. I am embarking down the cryptopay path after much research and hesitation. The Nayex device was more attractive to me but I fear it won’t hold up at my washes.
There is a video on youtube of nayax being used while being sprayed with water. Obviously that doesn't mean it will survive high pressure water or chemical sprayed directly at it. But, they are weather resistant as they are designed to be installed outdoors