Looks like old livingston pump station set up?
Now those are bragging rights. Damn good job.
If you are ever down to SW FL give me a call. I could use one of those.Thanks mac.☺
So the plastic bags on pumps are due to the roof leaking ?
Hello Everyone,
We have recently bought a carwash that have very old and barely functional Self Serve Equipment. We have decided to scrap it and upgrade to a brand new equipment.
Doing some research on the available manufacturers out there ? Can some one give some insight on the best manufacturers available in the market.
Here is the criteria we are looking for:
1) Should have all the Latest functionalities available
2) Should have latest technical advancements (Like send alerts when the soap drops to certain level)
3) Give us reports that tells which functionalities are used and how often
4) Longevity of the Equipment with minimal operational issues
5) Budget
Appreciate if someone can help us find the SS Manufacturers that fits the criteria.
It gives me the chills to see pictures of pumps/motors/belts that are unguarded.
What you don't like your I-wash?What are you doing with the old setup? Asking for a friend....I'm the friend. this is the setup i have the truly needs replacing. I hate it with my soul.
View attachment 12274
I really like the setup here! Curious, how big of a "back room" do you have for your setup? I'm looking at opening a single bay SS wash in the front 1/3 of a big shop and am wondering how big of a room I should have to house equipment, chemicals etc.Built my own View attachment 3302