Might need some more info here. Is this a new problem? Did it work before? What/how is your equipment set up? Is this coming out of a dedicated triple foam gun, a foam brush, or are you talking about an automatic machine?Why my triple foam not getting any foam and just very watering like high pressure soap?any advice ?thanks!
Thanks for reply. This is for self serve. The triple foam from the gun and it just like this since I bought the car wash years ago. The equipment inside is Coleman.Might need some more info here. Is this a new problem? Did it work before? What/how is your equipment set up? Is this coming out of a dedicated triple foam gun, a foam brush, or are you talking about an automatic machine?
I am sure you will get help on this forum, but there just is not enough info yet.
Alright - so you have not witnessed it working, so it might be difficult to see what changed. My first guess is that you are not getting air to your final mixture. You need chemical, water and air to create foam. If you are getting what looks like non - foaming soap, it sounds like you are getting the water and chemical delivered to the bay, but not the air. Look in your equipment room on your trifoam stand and see if you see an airline with a valve - the measurement will be “psi”. This might be turned too low, broken, plugged - or have some reason that does not allow air to get to the mix. There could also be a plug anywhere in the line. This would be the first and easiest guess at the cause of your problem. Let us know hat you come up with.Thanks for reply. This is for self serve. The triple foam from the gun and it just like this since I bought the car wash years ago. The equipment inside is Coleman.
I can feel the air coming from the gun but just very watering. Do you think it maybe too much water?thanks.Alright - so you have not witnessed it working, so it might be difficult to see what changed. My first guess is that you are not getting air to your final mixture. You need chemical, water and air to create foam. If you are getting what looks like non - foaming soap, it sounds like you are getting the water and chemical delivered to the bay, but not the air. Look in your equipment room on your trifoam stand and see if you see an airline with a valve - the measurement will be “psi”. This might be turned too low, broken, plugged - or have some reason that does not allow air to get to the mix. There could also be a plug anywhere in the line. This would be the first and easiest guess at the cause of your problem. Let us know hat you come up with.
I have a futura and my triple foam is doing the same thing,foot valves are new hydrominders fresh and PSI checks out. Only thing is different are the tips Tri Valley told me to useIf it's been years that the chemical has been sitting in the equipment room dump it and start with some fresh chemical, it doesn't last forever once it's been opened. What color tips are you using in your Hydrominder?
I'm not totally sure. We use softener and salt to the brine tankWhat is your water hardness?
I'm not totally sure. We use softener and salt to the brine tank
Purple is a way to small tip. I'd kick it back up to Orange or a Green. Red is a pretty big tip.Thanks for the advice. And actually I have new flojets and rebuilt the hydrominders. Cleaned all the tanks and hoses 3 months ago. No air leaks all my check valves are functioning.
Only thing different is a Trivalley rep came out and told me I need to switch out the tips from red to purple. Now I have watery product coming fr ok m the tri foam.
I agree. Red is massive. I'll have to get some tips ordered he gave me 6 purple to replace the redPurple is a way to small tip. I'd kick it back up to Orange or a Green. Red is a pretty big tip.
And again this is an old Futura Revolution #2I agree. Red is massive. I'll have to get some tips ordered he gave me 6 purple to replace the red