I've heard lately that some entity has the "right" to do something. To me we have the rights spelled out in the constitution. And it states that those rights are bestowed upon us by our creator, not given to us by the freaking government. Those are rights. A so called right to build a mosque is actually a legal spelling of local zoning ordinances. You are legal to do many things that will infuriate many people. I knew of a guy years ago that built many washes in small towns with the intention of putting the other guy out of business. And he did. Legal? Yes. Smart? No. You can legally do things to your house and property that will make your neighbors want to slit your throat. Just because you can do something does not mean that it is wise to do it. It seems most have forgotten about common sense. You have the right to hit on my wife. I don't have the right to hit you for this. BTW, the stupid mosgue will never be built. All the workers and suppliers in New York are union. They will not let this happen when their union brothers were killed on 9/11. Amen.