Classic Car Wash
New member
I'm sure you all have heard this one before. What do you tell the customer?
,,,I'm sure you all have heard this one before. What do you tell the customer?
I have had many people claim that we scratched thier car. It's impossible. We tested it. I put a fishing lure in the mitter and ran my mom's brand new black lexus thru multiple times. No damage!!! It's a shame that the manafacturers and our associations don't take a stronger stance in helping overcome these urban myths. There was a study done back in the late 70's or early 80's with some university in texas along with Mercedes that proved that hand washing your car did as much if not more damage to the the clear coat than a machine wash. I tried to get the study from ICA; they say it's no longer avail because it's out dated. Well we figured out the world wasn't flat a long time ago too!!!! Whats is SO funny is that even brand new vehicles have pretty severe scratches on them. Lot jockeys or outside companies who clean cars on the lots will do more damage because they don't care and nobody is watchin. "OOPs dropped the wash mitt on the ground"-- We need some real ammo for proving these issues to our customers! I could go oN and ON!
Car sales people would tell people not to use machine washes when many dealers were using rolllover machines to wash the cars. I wouldn't be surprsed to find Mercedes dealers doing it as well.