Zip-tie engineer
I doubt we are the only one dealing with this bee es... but in the last couple months, we have had a slew of chargebacks from our merchant provider. Every singe one claims 'chip pin liability shift'. And what really peeohs us is that the issuing bank charges us an additional 10 bucks on top of the chargeback amount! Whats worse is that the dates of the chargebacks are from charges over 2 months ago which exceeds our DVR records - and they claim that video surveillance is insufficient! While there isn't a whole lot we can do about this since most of our vendors don't even have a chip-pin fix yet, the fact that the banks charge for a profit on top of it really gets under the skin! I actually think our industry could offer up a class action lawsuit if this is happening everywhere (on the basis that our industry doesn't have the chip-pin components and software available yet).