So, after you go thru it and determine revenue per swiper, what effect does that have on your management or
Sorry Earl for not seeing your question sooner. But, knowing this information is important for many decisions. Primarily because I cannot determine my total revenue at each point of sale without it. I need this to watch trends in consumer activity, determine the success or failure of changes. Helps me to answer the question, "Was this change worth the expense and effort". It helps me to know what aspects of my wash I need to promote. Also, if growth is occurring, I can use the increasing popularity in my advertising. Also, if I see increases in CC use, I will use that information for planning additional ways to take advantage of the trend.
In short, I am not sure how you manage and market without knowing it. Not that the specific card transactions are important, but knowing the aggregate sales (cash + credit) and the cash vs cc split is what is important to me. An easy example, say you are considering adding credit cards to your vacs. You start out with one or two and monitor the amount of CC use before adding it to the others. If you have multiple Cryptopay points of sale and don't separate by swiper you would not be able to determine the success or failure of your expenditure.