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crypto pay site analytics

Who uses it? and is it worth the extra $180 per year? Also is it worth the money to sign up for the receipt options? Lots of extra money spent to see how much money they owe me.

For those who don't use analytics, are you satisfied with your statement reports each month? There should be an internal way to inventory your bays and ACW on site instead of paying Crypto to do it for you.
I use it for 2 sites and even though I only use it about once per month for the end of month reports, it is very convenient. Before I had to click on every transaction to separate my vac revenue. Now it is done for me. With only bays, it wasn't a big deal, but now all vacs have cc on them and get used a lot.
I don't pay extra for any anylitics. I don't do receipts. I only have SS Bays, no IBA. I rarely go to their site, but if memory serves it provides detailed info about charges at each swiper. I really don't see the need for anything else.
I don't pay extra for any anylitics. I don't do receipts. I only have SS Bays, no IBA. I rarely go to their site, but if memory serves it provides detailed info about charges at each swiper. I really don't see the need for anything else.

Can you give me a rundown on what my statement will look like? Will it just be a daily log of settlement credits deposited to my bank?
Can you give me a rundown on what my statement will look like? Will it just be a daily log of settlement credits deposited to my bank?

I am not the guy to ask. The reason for this is I don't check it daily. It's a complex issue because aside from the SS the Tunnel also clears thru first data so everything gets mixed together. I record the tunnel receipts daily, total them monthly, then back them out from the total first data receipts statement. The Cryptopay site gives me the per swiper transactions but I don't often feel like totaling them and checking against statements. I know I had an issue one month where something got held up and the receipts showed up the next month. However complicated this is, it pales in comparison to the gas station credit card receipt information.
Thanks, Earl

Anyone out there running SS and IBA that doesn't use analytics? I would like to know what a statement looks like. I can use the inventory feature in the ACW which would be the total CC and cash for the month. If I back out the cash I'd have CC. Subtract that from the total on the statement and I should have SS bays. Am I thinking this out correctly?

I'm curious, have you asked cryptopay to show you what the analytics reports look like? Seems like at any cost they should be able to show you before you sign up and start paying.
Thanks, Earl

Anyone out there running SS and IBA that doesn't use analytics? I would like to know what a statement looks like. I can use the inventory feature in the ACW which would be the total CC and cash for the month. If I back out the cash I'd have CC. Subtract that from the total on the statement and I should have SS bays. Am I thinking this out correctly?

Sounds like the same thing I do. Unless you have Crypto on vacs as well.

I'm curious, have you asked cryptopay to show you what the analytics reports look like? Seems like at any cost they should be able to show you before you sign up and start paying.

Yes, they directed me to a sample. It totals by swiper. That's great, but $180/year for that? I just think its nuts to pay someone to tell me how much money they owe me. They will get about 5% of my sales just for the privilege of being my merchant provider. We scream at the top of our lungs when the legislature attempts to revoke our sales tax exemption, but we easily bend over to pay the credit card providers whatever they want.

Running a monthly total on the Laser or the ACW will give me gross sales at the IBA. I can subract cash from the total which will be credit card. The answer can be subtracted from total settlements on the bank statement each month and the difference would be self service bays. No crypto on vacs for me at this point, so it should work.
I have my SS bays and 2 of my 4 vacs on cryptopay. I do not use the analytics because the swipers on the vacs get so little use. I average about one swipe per day between the two vacs so I don't even bother to try and carve out the little bit of vac use. I do have an instructional decal above the swiper. My cc use in ss is over 30% of sales. Other than the low vac cc use I'm very pleased with cryptopay. I guess I can always use the vac swipers as a spare whenever I need one in ss.
They will get about 5% of my sales just for the privilege of being my merchant provider. We scream at the top of our lungs when the legislature attempts to revoke our sales tax exemption, but we easily bend over to pay the credit card providers whatever they want.

Cherokee235 & others who are at risk,

Good points made on the cozy future proof "for them" percentage ... regardless of how bad inflation gets.

One thing that Canadian Operators (who also have CC acceptance) have going for them with the greater availablity of $1 & $2 coins (possibly future $5 coin) they have at least a small lever to scale back on how much they promote the CC use & those operators as a whole are in a better position to even not start CC use or even discontinue CC use.

That small lever being exercised might be just enough to get the CC people to lower there rates some. A market force that could be available to us USA operators some time in the future if the paper $1 bill was eliminated soon enough. Proper support for that kind of political will has to be shown though.

mike walsh http://kingkoin.com/USA_Deficit_Reduction.html
One thing that Canadian Operators (who also have CC acceptance) have going for them with the greater availablity of $1 & $2 coins (possibly future $5 coin) they have at least a small lever to scale back on how much they promote the CC use http://kingkoin.com/USA_Deficit_Reduction.html

Sorry, MJ but I think you are living in a fantasy land. Use of cash is declining across all retail and it has little to do with promoting CC use. It has to do with people using less cash. I don't see anything that will reverse the trend except offering a discount for cash.
We use Cryptopay in 2 ss bays and dog wash. I go through the transactions for each swiper at month end. It is a pain, but I want to know the revenue per bay and can't justify the $ Cryptopay wants for the reporting.
We use Cryptopay in 2 ss bays and dog wash. I go through the transactions for each swiper at month end. It is a pain, but I want to know the revenue per bay and can't justify the $ Cryptopay wants for the reporting.

So, after you go thru it and determine revenue per swiper, what effect does that have on your management or marketing?
Sorry, MJ but I think you are living in a fantasy land. Use of cash is declining across all retail and it has little to do with promoting CC use. It has to do with people using less cash. I don't see anything that will reverse the trend except offering a discount for cash.

Earl & hopefully others not 100% fixated on cashless,

We get the key information for free with our EMV compliant better structured long term wise ATM. Beyond key info ... it seems most of the time for most of us ... there can be "info overload" from some of those with extra monitoring based on extra cost (adds up!).

Our goal is to show even to the young people who gravitate towards "cashless" the overall value of our place is greater than especially non EMV compliant competitors.

Like our local Carson Wentz said it comes down to playing for an "audience of ONE" ... hopefully he will in the future be able to get in the "come from behind" zone like Tom Brady did.

Canada probably also has a more rural vs mindboggling metropolis's with their more cashless agenda so for what it is worth ... what some are paying in Western Canada for fees:


mike walsh www.kingkoin.com
So, after you go thru it and determine revenue per swiper, what effect does that have on your management or marketing?

Sorry Earl for not seeing your question sooner. But, knowing this information is important for many decisions. Primarily because I cannot determine my total revenue at each point of sale without it. I need this to watch trends in consumer activity, determine the success or failure of changes. Helps me to answer the question, "Was this change worth the expense and effort". It helps me to know what aspects of my wash I need to promote. Also, if growth is occurring, I can use the increasing popularity in my advertising. Also, if I see increases in CC use, I will use that information for planning additional ways to take advantage of the trend.

In short, I am not sure how you manage and market without knowing it. Not that the specific card transactions are important, but knowing the aggregate sales (cash + credit) and the cash vs cc split is what is important to me. An easy example, say you are considering adding credit cards to your vacs. You start out with one or two and monitor the amount of CC use before adding it to the others. If you have multiple Cryptopay points of sale and don't separate by swiper you would not be able to determine the success or failure of your expenditure.
I think I've go it. I really don't look at the website much. But last time I did I think it told me what each swiper was doing. So, it's easy to tell what the revenue was. Have not embarked on Vacs yet due to having to install display timers etc. I manage by SOTP. (Seat of the pants. ) Put in 4 Bill accepters, liked what they did and put in 4 more. Same story with Crypto. Weather affects revenue so much it's difficult to tell what any incremental gain is.

Perhaps one day I will get motivated enough to see if Vac Boxes can accommodate the display Timers. Side cars are available for the swipers so that is not an issue. But coin mech box depth may not accommodate the display time. Perhaps an equipment opportunity for someone. A reasonably priced side car for the Coin mech box that accommodates the display timer and the swiper.
An interesting observation. At my 5/1, I have CryptoPay swipers on the SS bays and 2 busiest vacs. $200 of cc use in SS bays yesterday. No rain yesterday and no credit card use on either vacuum.