Has anyone changed the front tredle with a larger stop? We have customers driving past even with the horn!, and back up etc. and then I assume the wash times out...???
I had a lady called me last night at 9:15 who was "stuck" inside my bay with the
doors down. She had overshot the tredle, backed up, pulled forward, backed up, etc until her time was up. I have this happen quite often and have considered welding a bigger bump on the front of it. I also have problems with people who are only on the treadle by a hair, trigger the wash, and then roll back a little when they put it in park. Which sends the wash home. I have been thinking about changing the arm that trips the prox switch so that they have to be further on the tredle to arm the wash. There are a lot of stupid people out there that keep jumping the tredle, then backing up too far. then repeating it. I believe I posted about this before, but have not found a solution.