Car Wash Forum

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Recent content by pitzerwm

  1. pitzerwm

    Something to put in the next issue

    I've gotten bored and created an idea that I think you'll appreciate and get a kick out of. It's about PEAK EXPERIENCES. We have all had EXPERIENCES in our lives. Mostly good ones. Some of these would be INSPIRATIONAL as well. Some would just be entertaining to read. Therefore, I've...
  2. pitzerwm

    A new idea that could be a hoot

    I've gotten bored and created an idea that I think you'll appreciate and get a kick out of. It's about PEAK EXPERIENCES. We have all had EXPERIENCES in our lives. Mostly good ones. Some of these would be INSPIRATIONAL as well. Some would just be entertaining to read. Therefore, I've...
  3. pitzerwm

    Hi to Everyone

    Enjoying my retirement but bored to death, so bought a new toy. Of course then I needed to build it's own garage. The weather hasn't been so great for riding, so been adding doodads, like a backup camera, radar det. GPS, LED lighting etc. I hope all of you are doing great.
  4. pitzerwm

    Mike Vukelich

    I was just notified that Mike Vukelich passed away last night. He was a long time Forum member and will be missed. Our prayers and condolences go out to his family.
  5. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    Update on my DVR system. The Zmodo system was ok, but the smartphone app was pathetic, and 0 customer service. I managed to blow it up by plugging in an under sized power supply, so I picked up a Qsee QT526. Installation was a snap, the smartphone app worked the first time, watching on the...
  6. pitzerwm

    Website Woes - Don't let your domain registration lapse!

    This a good lesson, there is also another thing people doing a web site should be aware of. The free web site hosting, free domains, etc. i.e. GoDaddy/Yahoo to name a couple, don't necessarily register your domain in your name. What usually happens is that eventually you will want a better...
  7. pitzerwm

    Buying a mattress ?

    Having a broken back also, I liked my waterbed, very firm, but as many of you knew Rosi, she didn't like it, so I bought the firmest mattress, Sealy sold and it has been great. I can get you the numbers if you need.
  8. pitzerwm

    Goodbye and thank you

    Thanks for all of you contributions over the years too!!!
  9. pitzerwm

    Why people play Golf
  10. pitzerwm

    This would be fun
  11. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    Update: Just tried reformating the HDD and its working. So, have no idea why it crashed, but so far so good.
  12. pitzerwm

    dvr camara system

    Update, DVR dies, well it doesn't record. Of course no support so looking for a new one.
  13. pitzerwm

    Succession Plan

    Everyone needs to think about an exit plan. Everything comes to an end, so whether the plan is in concrete or what if ideas, you need one. Also, IMO you need to have some plans in the event that you are not dead, but what I call half dead, unable to dictate your directions. A living trust...
  14. pitzerwm

    Zomodo dvr

    Go to Youtube, you will find different options/instructions
  15. pitzerwm

    Middle East Memorial

    Compliments to Mike V