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  1. D

    Quarters Clogged in Round Safe

    Ok so today I spent more time trying to understand the chute system Randy, It appears the tube size is 1 3/4. This is the best picture I could take with my cheap camera. It appears the coins are just getting hung up on rough surfaces. No breaks are found. The picture shown is from the top down...
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    Quarters Clogged in Round Safe

    Randy, I'll be by the wash tomorrow and check the inside diameter. Part of the problem is the camera I bought is pretty cheap and can't see it really good.
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    Quarters Clogged in Round Safe

    Over the past two weeks, something has changed with one of my coin chutes in one bay. The quarters are not dropping from the meter box to the vault. Just a few get caught up and cause a blockage over time. I can see the area with a snake camera, but getting to it will prove difficult. I saw this...
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    Cryptopay Tap issue

    Thanks, just might do that. I did find some odd tap charges on one day in June. I looked in my Analytic section, purchases by device. Along with my bays and vacs there is an entry that says TapRdr for $32 bucks. It only appears on two days out of the month of June. I'll call them on Monday and...
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    Cryptopay Tap issue

    They told me they needed a date and time that it happened. Also, it appears to be in line with a declined card. But it works when you swipe? It doesn't happen often; getting the information they need will be difficult. Just have to keep an eye on it for now. Thanks
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    Cryptopay Tap issue

    So I have one bay that often has a Tap issue. Tired searching but nothing comes up. The customer will hold the card up to pay and will turn on for 2 seconds and then turn off and say thank you. They then will do a mag swipe and it works normal. Any thoughts? This only seems to happen in one bay.
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    1/4" Plastic Tubing Normal Life???

    Freelin-wade hose is all I used to run throughout life flight medical helicopters for air, vacuum and oxygen systems for well over 30 years. It's just the best and seems to never wear out. Just my experience....
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    Adding Credit Card Readers = Increase in Sales?

    Don't forget Tap to Pay either. Seems like everyone loves that option at my place and it's half my sales each month with cards. People love tech....
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    Previous ownership google reviews

    I always respond good or bad for future customers. A funny thing happened last week. I received a call from OSHA and they needed to conduct a surprise onsite audit that day to complete the inspections. The first words out of their mouths were we checked your Google reviews and we see you are a...
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    Doyle vacuums with pleated cartridge filters

    I run the older Doyle vacs with the four cloth bags. I clean them every 6 months with monthly internal sweeping with a toilet brush. This works for us and the suction is great. Last month I had to buy 16 new bags. Brought the old ones home in a black garbage bag to clean and the wife threw them...
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    My car wash in Tik Tok video!

    Kimberly, This a great day for you. I'll double that offer at $400K and champagne at closing. You in? All fun aside these internet goofballs are funny and entertaining....
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    How do you organize your hoses?

    That looks so nice. I'm never posting any pics of my equipment room. Being an aircraft technician I know the OCD of organization. I'm not there at my wash yet...
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    Chargebacks again

    I've never won a chargeback ever. I see many using gift cards so you can't track them by name. Type in "A Gift For You" on the cryptopay site and it shows you all of them. I figure the people who forget to stop the charges are paying for my chargebacks.
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    Auto Fragrance - Missing Equipment

    Probably Kleenrite. If you need a pump I may have one as well. More detailed pics of the inside would be helpful. I do know they sell a new LED light kit that goes behind that piece of metal that replaced all the old air bubble feature which was a mess. You can call Kelly at the Frag factory.
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    Auto Fragrance - Missing Equipment

    While overhauling it may be a loss you also have the customer perception you just don't care about maintenance. This can be damaging while trying to rebuild your image. These machines are not money makers but add to the overall experience at your wash. I would do something with it and avoid...
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    Social Media

    I agree with a 100% the cost of advertising is crazy. Instead I hand out one time use cards. While out to dinner I often buy police and firefighters dinners and their sever tells them this one is on the self service wash in town thank you for your service. People talk in small towns.
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    Crypto Pay Tap users

    I also installed Tap units in all of our bays last week. Iv'e been looking at the usage. At my wash it exceeds mag swipes everyday so far since I installed them. More payment options just made sense to me. I added a decal on the tap that says "Push button on swiper to end charges" Just so...
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    Blackjack Vending

    Black Jack never did anything at my wash. Armor All has always been the number 1 seller. Not sure why but we go through cases of it.
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    Options for soffit ceiling

    Wanted to post a picture of the new bay ceilings. They turned out great. Thanks, Randy
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    Thanks Randy this is helpful to always improve chemical presentation.