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  1. pitzerwm

    Space Shuttle Video
  2. pitzerwm

    Golden Rings and Car Wash Pits

    If the mud is solid that is where the ring would stop sinking. Maybe a metal detector, provided by him, would locate it rather quickly. You could make him sign a detailed release, and block off the bay.
  3. pitzerwm

    Potential New Owner

    There is an old saying " only the first one that counts the money, knows how much there is". There are too many variables in most businesses to judge the numbers from the outside. Knowing he was going to sell, he could inflate the numbers from another business, or whatever. The first thing is...
  4. pitzerwm

    ICA Show Review

    Jeff Call of wash verify, has a kit to convert your Hubble (??) lights to LEDs cheap and BRIGHT. Blendco invited me to their breakfast and they went over a number of new products and equipment. I think Kelly is going to put the info in the Messages from our sponsors.
  5. pitzerwm

    Forum Party and the ICA show

    The Forum party was great. For you that missed the party, too bad, we had 27 show up and a good time was had by all. Greg Pack won the $250 shopping spree at JBS Randy Nix and Jon shaw won $250 worth of parts at WashWorld Pat Hall won a $100 shopping spree at Kleen-rite Sherry Jordon won the...
  6. pitzerwm

    A simple message
  7. pitzerwm

    Car Wash 'Rules' signage

    The sign's real value is in court, the judge don't care that they didn't read it only that it was there. They all said that they didn't read it, and I just tell them that they have to live by it. I had a $50 cleanup fee posted, and I'd tell them that they could give me $50, or clean it up...
  8. pitzerwm

    Credit Card Reader for iPhone

    A couple of friends use that and are very happy with it.
  9. pitzerwm

    Rita Hayworth
  10. pitzerwm

    Forum Party and the ICA show

    Always room, my cell is 509-735-7181, so any problems just call.
  11. pitzerwm

    Motor Starter for 1/3 HP Motor???

    When using one leg of a 3PH, be sure to measure that leg to ground because one leg can be more than 120.
  12. pitzerwm

    Replaced 2" Meter with 1" Meter

    They want to put in a remote reading meter to save then thousands of dollars and you have to pay for it. What crap.
  13. pitzerwm

    Forum Party and the ICA show

    Absolutely, its been awhile since we met.
  14. pitzerwm

    Suppliers right or wrong?

    There will always be a niche for almost anything, but will it be large enough to make a living at it. Look at the tablets and smart phones making a GPS obsolete, almost over nite. Cell phones killing pay phones.
  15. pitzerwm

    Laserwash 4000 questions

    As far I am aware, since PDQ has become a sponsor they have had a tech or two monitor the Forum, providing detailed help and advise a call if you can't get it.
  16. pitzerwm

    The Reason Bill C messed around

    No photoshop, just saw her on the news, about the same.
  17. pitzerwm

    Just one more thing to think about Here went your 1st amendment
  18. pitzerwm

    The Reason Bill C messed around

  19. pitzerwm

    For you that have a web site, create a QR code

    Create a QR code and place it all over your wash and all printed material. For you that don't know what a QR code is, its like a bar code that when scanned by a smart phone it will take them to your web site.
  20. pitzerwm

    An idea that might help your marriage Let your wife read this, she will tell you if its a good thing.