Search results

  1. E

    Kleen Grean

    Anyone using the Kleen Rite water based hydraulic oil. Lots cheaper than current product.
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    Mixed denomination Bill Counter

    To sort 4 denominations you run it thru 3 times?
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    Cobra Hockey Puck Locks Shroud/Ra-Lock

    If they are drilling the locks as opposed to twisting I might ant to have a local metal shop fab some sort of cover or the whole lock so they would have to drill thru that as well.
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    Mixed denomination Bill Counter Does not sort.
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    Cameras and security systems

    I was subpoenaed to testify as were other business owners, in a murder case to verify footage came from my cameras. Eventualy we did not testify. Not sure if they plead out or defense counsel stipulated footage was accurate.
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    Mixed denomination Bill Counter

    Just got the Royal Sovereign. I will report back..
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    KR- Excessive Shipping Charges

    Right after credit card users start paying more than cash customers who are subsidizing them.
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    Cryptopay statement question?

    So I called about the $3.50 Chargeback service charge. they said i had the choice of this special low monthly charge or per chargeback charge of $15.00 and if I went to the per chargeback charge and decided to switch back later I wouldn't get this special rate. Since I get about 1 a year, i...
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    K-R's Towel Drop : advice

    I buy these and sell for $1.00 in triple column vender with 2 columns of towels and one of window cleaner.
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    Cameras and security systems

    I don't have :orex but I found the simplest thing to do is use my smart phone to record the monitor image and text or e-mail from there. In fact I e-mail to myself and save to office desktop which is backed up with Carbonite. if I ever think I may need it later.
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    Cryptopay statement question?

    No annual fee on December statement. Our Town - We have the $3.50 charge back fee - but no Charge backs??? How about you.? All In 5.01%.
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    KR- Excessive Shipping Charges

    Just got free shipping on KR order and they had to send Vac motor brushes from anther location - sent by mail. Shipping $0.00
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    Hydrominder Inlet Screen

    For too many years I would try to remove screen to clean it often damaging the screen or washer. Now, I disconnect the inlet hose and unscrew the valve or nipple from the hydrominder - whatever comes off more easily. hen I simply blow compressed air thru it in the opposite direction of the...
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    Best way to heat overhead trough

    Went with heat cable a couple years ago . Got it from Zoro, commercial grade. Tied to output 2 on the weep mixer - needs a relay. Seems to do a lot better and is simpler than a hot water / AF loop I was using. Forgot the brand recommended on the forum but it is not the big box comsumer grade.
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    Cryptopay forcing switch

    How many businesses in your area do not accept CC? You can try what I did - put crypto in a couple of bay - busiest ones. Put up signs that says "These Bays accept credit cards. " That is what I did,. See what happens. In a couple of months I did the rest of the bays and a few months...
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    Cryptopay forcing switch

    Since one location I have has gasoline sales I can state that the all in % is about 3.5% versus about 5.5% for the wash only location. The transaction size is much larger so that may account for the difference. You are not doing any better than a wash if you figure a 10 cent transaction...
  17. E

    Foot Valves

    Same - Just a Piece f 3/4" PVC Pipe.
  18. E

    Cryptopay forcing switch

    The worst may be yet to come. I cancelled (or so I thought) First Data 120219. I had a Clover unit in my Tunnel replaced with a different terminal for Worldpay. Then come 1/1/20 I get a notice clover is drafting my account $15.00. Apparently there was some charged for a SIM card I...
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    Temporary pumps

    FWIW I have 8 Bays. They are set up with 2 Banks of 4 Solenoids each plumbed together with the exception of the Foam Brush there is plenty of volume and pressure for ll Low Volume functions going thru the 05 nozzle. Since the Erie FN uses 6 holes they can use more volume so there is a...
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    Cryptopay forcing switch

    I got my first World Pay statement for November around December 10 in the mail.