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  1. S

    D and s iq 2.0 vs oasis xp

    Have heard MANY good things about Oasis & its family owned. I have visited with them a few times & they are terrific guys.
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    laundromat owners ?

    I know an area that's STARVING for a laundry. Problem is, there's no gas for about 11 miles!!! I hear that you simply HAVE TO HAVE Gas!!??? Is there a good alternative to Natural Gas?
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    laundromat owners ?

    I hear only 2 names: Dexter & Speed Queen. I wonder if you can buy good used laundry equipment, or is that a "No-No" in the laundry world?
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    laundromat owners ?

    This is an interesting topic. Anybody else got any laundromat info?
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    Quest detergents

    Drying Agency 777 also good at enhancing beading & deying? I may try that
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    Regular self-serve/Pay One Price hybrid

    If i could charge for trah dumpers, that would be, by far, my most profitable "bay".!
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    Quest detergents

    Nope, just PP & Shine On. Tried to switch to a cheaper "better " product than Shine On. NOPE, wasn't cheaper in long run, & dang sure wasn't better. Not in show, smell or performance. Thanks Tdlconcepts Thomas
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    Short bay, need suggestions...!!!

    I don't think those can do that short either. Spend a lil money & add on to the rear. Put dryers outside & get those cars through faster & dryer.
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    Rain X - something Free?

    Thats mostly true, but there are just a few high end products that KR doesn't offer.
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    Replace fragrance with disinfectant spray in combo vacs?

    VERY intriguing....u guys hurry up & let us know how it's going...ha
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    Quest detergents

    I also tried Platinum Protect, & it was great. Gotta friend using H2off in his Express Tunnel & he swears by it. He also raves about Shine On Coach B
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    Degraded wash quality Touchless carwash

    Those cars actually look pretty good, for a touchless.
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    Quest detergents

    I switched to Shine On, & have got a couple others to switch to it. I actually even diluted it slightly more than Jason said. It is freaking awesome!!
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    Ryko tech ph # ?

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    Buffo Locks...

    I agree. Used to lock our Hamilton, but thives got in 1 night & halfway destroyed em. Better to leave unlocked.
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    Ryko tech ph # ?

    Does anyone know the Ryko tech ph # ?
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    Pit Cleaner: getting mud to slide out

    Sounds like a heckuva idea. I tried spraying w/ diesel, & it didn't help much. Gotta empty pits here monthly. 1 of the big drawbacks w/ a rural wash.
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    Pit Cleaner: getting mud to slide out

    Any of you guys gor advice to get the mud to slide out of the back end, when dumped?
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    Triple Foam Polish ?

    It has pretty good color & smell, but it doesn't help much on beading. Then again, is there a 3x foam polish, w/out Carnauba in it, that does help beading a lot?
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    Small town SS about to get a competitor!

    40---50 cars DAILY because of free air & wiper fluid? That's unreal. Do most of em also spend money? Our SS bays are busy as can be already. But that is an interesting ploy...😏