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  1. S

    Touch Less Automatic Chemicals

    How /when are you applying the booster?
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    LW 4000 Spray Arch scratches again. Need help..

    If you're washing 60+ vehicles/day you may wanna buy new. You will get another bump in cpd & have BIG write offs for next 5 years! Might be worth it. Guys who wash 2000+/month on old LW's are very rare!
  3. S

    Washworld WW Profile recommendations

    Good questions. Maybe someone can help soon I know the Profile is much more expensive than the SoftGloss, & Ryko has a $99k installed right now. Not sure if that works in Australia though...
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    Text me about a GOOD set of dryers409)200-4667 Coach Bowles

    Text me about a GOOD set of dryers409)200-4667 Coach Bowles
  5. S

    Best Dryer Options

    Check your messages
  6. S

    Anyone ever bought or have experience w/ Hand CarWash?

    There's actually quite a few of these in Houston, San Antonio & Austin. Seems like the Hispanic pop REALLY like these things.
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    Anyone ever bought or have experience w/ Hand CarWash?

    Yes,buying a 10 yr old business only. NO property. 2 of 3 employees work 2/dys/week, then all 3 work other 3 busiest days of the week. Laborers get $90/day.
  8. S

    Anyone ever bought or have experience w/ Hand CarWash?

    What seems impossible? Employees about $3200, rent$800, electric & water $500, soaps/chems $300. Costs are not real low cause 3 employees hand wash & vacuum.
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    My new SoftGloss

    Does the Profile wash the backs of cars real well, or better than SoftGloss?
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    Anyone ever bought or have experience w/ Hand CarWash?

    I have a chance to buy one. Allegedly grosses $16---20k/no expenses of $4800/mo Owner moving 4 States away & needs to sell. Thoughts....?
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    My new SoftGloss

    We pre wash in other bay (OHD Touchless). I inherited that scheme, & NO WAY I can change it. This entire town likes that guy , tips VERY well & expects hm therr every day. He sprays pre-Soak on tires, grill etc, then foam brushes while thing theb rinse. So, basically clean b4 gling into OHD...
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    Looking to buy a canopy for front of IBA

    Great idea Diamond Steve, but they will not return emails or phone calls.
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    Laurel single column price increase to $1.25

    Just call Chip @ Laurel vending
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    My new SoftGloss

    Some more pics...Red Tacoma is mine after SoftGloss top pkg.
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    My new SoftGloss

    Another pic. We prep every car before the touchless OHD .
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    My new SoftGloss

    I am out about $113,000 for ENTIRE thing. My own dryers & paystation, everything else was from Ryko (except the modifications to front / rear of bay). I added about 4' on each end, to accommodate duallies.
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    Touch Less Automatic Chemicals

    When I used Low ph, it rusted out everything but SS or Aluminum. It was some nasty stuff
  18. S

    Looking to buy a canopy for front of IBA

    I live 3 hrs from nearest big city. That presents issues on things like this. I'm a fulltime bb cosch/ teacher & can't just take a 6 hr job to get something for a personal business.
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    Showcase of washes

    That's a very good idea Mac
  20. S

    Looking to buy a canopy for front of IBA

    I can do the DIY, or buy it already made. I need to just drive all over Dallas & find some car lots that have gone outta business