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    How to pay detailer who is also manager

    Consider ALL Your Options... and Liabilities! Time to ask yourself a few questions: As previously inferred, the biggest liability is injury. If he is operating under your umbrella, your risk is significant. If he does not have his own payroll, and is operating as an independent concession...
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    Detailers...... HELP..

    A few more thoughts... Jon... Per your comment, here are a few more options for your water spot problem:;) 1. Retail product in green pump sprayer package. LIME-AWAY - spray, dwell and wash. Keep surrounding surfaces protected with a moist soapy solution. 2. Buffered wheel cleaner (acidic) -...
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    Detailers...... HELP..

    Bad News Save your money for a replacement. Chances are, clay will not correct the problem because clay is used to remove fallout the lies above the surface,; not invasive. :rolleyes: Plus, some windshields have a protective coating to inhibit stone chips. Achieving an undetectable fix is...
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    Is MacNeil being sold?

    Heard a rumor that MacNeil is being sold. Anyone know if it's true?:confused:
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    OK, I know I should know this....

    Another one-word option: BARTER Surely you're exposed to many operations that offer express waxing. Simply trade a proportionate share of your services... for theirs. Plan on doing so every month for a while, and then... every other month. Your vehicle will look fine... and so will your...
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    If you thought Bush was a jerk.

    Not Too Late To Collect Past Due Bill Bill, payback makes good sense! And it's not too late... if our government has the stomach. Most Americans who remember the logic offered by the administration and Congress regarding payback would probably support seizing the oil and exacting compensation...
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    If you thought Bush was a jerk.

    "Go Along To Get Along" Mistake Mac... Before "everyone" agreed, there was a burden to confirm and verify (a Reagan phrase) the legitimacy. The FBI & CIA confirmed that our original target was Afghanistan. Many feel that Bush wanted to reengage Iraq to punish them for actions against Bush...
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    If you thought Bush was a jerk.

    Broke My Own Rule About What NOT To Discuss Publically Bud... I am not a Democrat. Why the hostility?!!! George Bush and Dick Cheney knowingly walked us into a war based on LIES and misrepresentations... and did so with seemingly cavalier arrogance. I personally find that obscenely...
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    If you thought Bush was a jerk.

    Respect? Not By My Definition Bush took this country into a war that should never have happened; one that foolishly cost us dearly in valuable lives and treasure. And while he and Congress pandered their support of the troops, they continued to underfund the care of the wounded and continued...
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    What Do You Think of ICA Publishing a Magazine

    ICA Magazine? It could be a good idea! On balance, I think there is room for an additional information conduit for carwash operators... as well those interested in detailing as it relates to carwash owners. My understanding is that ICA and its predecessors intended the association to be an...
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    Site Plan Advice

    Flex-Serve Is The Right Choice There are several ways to optimize your site. However, as Bob eluded to, the specific location and marketplace dynamic will provide the insight as to how best to design and market your wash. I invite your direct contact for a more discreet discussion regarding...
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    3 million express tunnel

    A Blind Man Could Have Seen It! Quite a few years ago, before the Rapido Rabbit was conceived... and failed, I was recommending to a major equipment vendor that he should caution investors seeking the freestanding express exterior concept to also consider leaving room in their site plan for a...
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    3 million express tunnel

    A More Sensible Option Thanks, Earl. Allow me to piggyback. Your point further emphasizes the resiliency of the flex-serve operating platform... because it can do everything that the best express exterior can do, as well as anything that the best full-service operation can do. Flex-serve is...
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    Drip space

    TIME=Drying Efficacy To echo and elaborate on Earl's response, TIME is the ultimate factor. When dealing with a conveyorized vehicle, "distance is really time" and time is relative to the speed of the conveyor (line speed). Other factors improve the evacuation speed of water from the...
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    Adding detail services

    Sensible Option TW... Texas has a wealth of good carwashes and detail operations... and they are owned by some of the nicest people in the industry who will selflessly share sources and offer recommendations that work for them. A good start to finding answers is to get in your car and visit...
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    Extreme express mini tunnel

    Rediscovery Of Things HANNA Implemented Decades Ago Rightly so, Bud refreshes our awareness of groundbreaking innovations that Dan Hanna brought to the industry many decades ago. Glad to see that Dan's efforts still ring true, even when others often step up and "reinvent" his concepts for a...
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    STEAM VAPOR CLEANING - Carwashing and Detailing Pros & Cons

    Steam vapor cleaning is being used for minimal water exterior washing... as well as many interior cleaning tasks done by detailers. I'd appreciate some feedback from operators and detailers with hands-on exposure who have found steam to be a valuable resource for additional profit generation...
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    Waterspot remover 4 Glass

    Caution John... Careful! While I'm confident that your years of experience have taught you when never to use even the mildest steel wool or even a tough scrubber pad, some of the readers may reach for that steel wool and use it on one of the softer or even coated windows and scour the surface...
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    Waterspot remover 4 Glass

    Water Spot Removal The residue left from water spots from irrigation systems is easily removed by vinegar, an acid. Other fixes include a buffered muriatic acid or the cleaning product Lime-Away. Many chemical companies have similar products packaged under their product name and label...
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    Good Resource I suggest going to: