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    Definition of Express Detailing...

    Two-Option Theory: NOW or LATER! Detail shop operators often have the mindset of taking time to do everything they feel is needed to complete the task, and then some. Often, because of their passion to roll a vehicle out of their shop looking as good as it possibly can, they run the risk of...
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    Definition of Express Detailing...

    Convenience Is King! I agree that perception is everything... which is why I urge you to consider not only "WHAT you do"... but also "HOW you do it"! :p Express Detailing requires a bit of flair in how every task is completed. If the customers are watching, give them a show. Let them see...
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    Definition of Express Detailing...

    It All Depends... The original quick wax concept was introduced by Bob Burglin and Sam Itaya in Orange County, California in the early 70's. They initially used a Gem polisher, and later developed their own much lighter Waxcoa orbital buffer... later called the Waxmaster by Chamberlain. Their...
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    Would you run a wash for $2000 a month?

    Makes sense! Paul said what many of us feel, that it would take an experienced car wash operator to do what is needed to resusitate this wash and make it valuable enough for someone to buy. That's why I suggested that keeping all the profits is a necessary incentive. The bank isn't simply...
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    Would you run a wash for $2000 a month?

    I agree with Bill and Patrick, and also suggest that you have an employee/employer agreement with any/all employees that manage and operate the wash in your absence. Even with the right of first refusal, the bank could approach the on-site operator and submarine you. Keep in mind, especially...
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    Need fast window cleaning advice for car wash

    One more suggestion. Do NOT use fabric softener in your laundry process, either as a liquid in the wash... or transfer sheets in the dryer. They leave a residue on the towel that will smear, especially when mixed with a detergent window cleaner.
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    Need fast window cleaning advice for car wash

    A Few Tips... Regarding washing the towels: Use any laundry detergent sparingly with hot or warm water. Or, try Simple Green... sparingly. Too much detergent... and not enough rinse... will leave a dry residue in the towels. Once the residue is wet again, it will smear. Towels MUST be...
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    WINDOW-CLEANING. Revisited

    Oooops! BayWatch... Point taken. No disrespect was intended. I simply wanted to interject some facts to balance out the misinformation, but you apparently didn't like the dry humor. Okay, I can accept that. Sorry for the sarcasm. However, I did include this: "This information is meant...
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    WINDOW-CLEANING. Revisited

    Huh? Baywatch... My comment is simply to dispel some misinformation. :( With all due respect, maybe the old detailer who offered up the window-cleaning "trick" was affected by ingesting chemical fumes... and offered you some dizzy advice.:p This information is meant to enlighten, not...
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    I seem to recall a notification from most of the OEMs about 20 years ago alerting dealers to stop providing the undercoating service as an aftermarket option applied at the dealership. The OEM took the position that any vehicles with an aftermarket treatment would void the OEM warranty for rust...
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    Mobile Detailer Opportunity- Act NOW!

    Be sure to remember that IT'S SHOWTIME... and YOUR entire business is ON STAGE. Look Good (wear your new tee shirts). Smell Good (cologne, anyone?). Become a real-time commercial.(The world is your stage; use it wisely!) The best time to start: NOW... and throughout the holiday season...
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    Mobile Detailer Opportunity- Act NOW!

    If you're mobile, have you ever experimented with using a part-time week-end fixed location for growing your business. With the economy's present state, the timing has never been better.:) The good thing about week-end traffic is simply that... there is more of it, so the exposure is...
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    $3 washes

    FLEX Will Make Goo-Goo... Go Ga-Ga! The sky isn't falling!!!:eek: The answer is simple. Offer customers what they want... when they want it! The most effective way to protect against an express exterior is to upgrade to Flex-Serve... and provide the choice of quick express wash & go OR a...
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    Launching Express Detail

    Not Just a Term; Add an Explanation EXPRESS AFTER-CARE is effective because it's an umbrella term that refers to an area where express activities occur. I used the positive term EXPRESS AFTER-CARE as a component; a specified area where all hands-on tasks are provided. I prefer EXPRESS...
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    WINDOW-CLEANING. Revisited

    Soap Scum Cure Bill... The soap scum residue is alkaline, so using an acidic cleaner or even a mild solution of hydrochloric (muriadic) acid (paint store) while wearing rubber gloves will remove the ugly stuff. Now that we have your shower solved, back to automobile windows...
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    WINDOW-CLEANING. Revisited

    I recently scrutinized a detail shop owner using workstation crock pots to keep his glass cleaner & sponges warm, and challenged him as to its practicability. :confused: His quiet courteous response was that it worked better than anything else... and his process was both extremely...
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    Launching Express Detail

    Careful of Slippery-Slope Perceptions Common positive perceptions of the word "express" can mean quick handling or swift completion... or even rapid completion. The prevalent theme relates to time. However, over-emphasizing quick or speedy task completion can also backfire, leaving the...
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    advertising questions

    Optimizing broadcast media requires skilled execution. The most effective broadcast media is TV and it may be very affordable through your local cable system. Visual impact is powerful.:) Radio has lost a great deal of its impact due to other music, news & sports options... but it still works...
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    Holiday Promotion

    A longstanding recommendation that bears repeating this tine of year, especially given the current economic challenges. It deals with creating awareness of your car wash facility and provides a notable landmark as its location. If you haven't already done so, I recommend turning your attention...
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    Rain X How do I??

    Quick Fix The Original product made for window glass worked so well that Eco-Lab bought it's trademark and decided to milk the product's great name and performance... and market a different product for automatic spray-arch application for the entire car by the same name Rain-X, and increase...