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  1. S

    impulse or destination?

    Destination Location Good question. There is ample research that supports the following: Although the consumer's emotional urge to have the car washed may be impulsive, the actual purchasing decision as to where to have the car washed is typically a planned location or choice of approved...
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    Big Trouble Down Under!!!

    It makes good sense to visit this site... and heed the warning!:( How does it go? An ounce of prevention... ? :rolleyes: Or maybe... "A word to the wise... is sufficient." A well-intentioned caution... to a bunch of friends. -Steve
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    Do you have a right to know?

    You're still misunderstanding it. Doug... All I was suggesting is to watch the video to get the right interpretation. You need to HEAR HIS VOICE INFLECTION on the video. The usage of "right" was in terms of a moral entitlement of fairness. He felt he had the right to know what was...
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    Do you have a right to know?

    Thorsby Didn't Say Anything Wrong! Doug... I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, thinking that you only got half the story. ;) Everything said was true, politically correct, and understandable. And because Thorsby isn't a director or president of ICA, he couldn't take a...
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    Do you have a right to know?

    New Exposure Potential? I wonder if, with customers remaining inside vehicles during the express carwashing process, there is the slight risk of exposure... if the air conditioner is on and the airborne chemical mist is introduced into the passenger cabin. We know that fragrance can find its...
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    Do you have a right to know?

    Might the underlying issue really be GREED. The article furnished a vivid wake-up call. Let's face it. Unless you've been living on the moon, all carwash professionals have been cautioned about the use of hydrofluoric acid (HF). All right, we know that it is a very effective cleaner...
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    new car washes

    Nobody likes a spoiler, which is why most investors would walk away... or tender an offer to buy the existing carwash, if there was only enough business for one to thrive. The old business axiom: The best competition... is no competition... is a nice result, but there are no guarantees. Yet...
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    new car washes

    Please Don't Misunderstand... My comment about proximity site consideration as applied with other retail operations was merely identifying a well established marketing theory. It, along with a lot of other stuff is what makes up a strategic marketing plan. When a client asks me to conduct a...
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    new car washes

    The Question Was A Rhetorical One, Right? There is a certain logic in locating close to your competition... in an already well-served marketplace. :( Look at Walgreens and CVS. Or gas stations on all four corners of many intersections. The statistics support that location dynamic...
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    Are all titration kits the same?

    Time to do some homework. I suggest you do some homework on litmus paper.
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    Are all titration kits the same?

    Test Kits No, not all titration kits are the same, although the answers they offer use the same principle. Shop for a variety of sources. Check by searching Google. Many operators seeking quicker results often use litmus paper instead... as a supplemental test. The test is pH sensitive and...
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    Mildew smell

    Another Option I agree with everything EXCEPT:Also have them blow out the vents before ozoning. :rolleyes: Instead, I recommend setting the air conditioner on max cold, which will recirculate the air inside the passenger cabin, thus getting the ozone through all the air duct system. By...
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    Mildew smell

    Sounds Like A Flood Car Many flood cars that just got the interior fabric and carpeting wet, but nothing wrong with the electrical system, successfully avoid declaring the damage when selling the car, And CarFax usually misses all but insurance claimed cars.:mad: I agree with the suggestion...
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    Free Water! Free Promotion! Free Appreciation!

    VERY POWERFUL TOOL... being ignored. The most powerful tool in anyone's marketing arsenal is... WORD-OF-MOUTH ADVERTISING! This recommendation, along with many, many more that you can think of, provide you with an opportunity to harness word-of mouth conversation... which is a tacit...
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    Free Water! Free Promotion! Free Appreciation!

    This Is Not A Crusade. It's A Marketing Opportunity! I'm perplexed. Why do some of you think this is a rally to launch a rainwater harvesting crusade? :confused: Yes, water conservation is very important to all of us. And I agree that we are all stewards of our environment, charged with the...
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    Free Water! Free Promotion! Free Appreciation!

    Wait A Minute! No need to question Bob's expertise on this one, since he's devoted years of hands-on governmental work in this area. Nevertheless, logic would suggest that as long as your use in the carwash preceded the final drain through whatever your normal municipally approved (clarifier...
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    You Snooze... You Lose.

    Can't See The Forest... Fore The Trees? Hey Waxman... Seems like I touched a nerve. Sit down and have a cold drink. You've often asked how you can enhance your marketing. So, I suggested one, and you missed it.:rolleyes: My point was to focus on the opportunity to enhance your business...
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    Removing water spots on windows

    Water Spots Are Mineral Residues I agree with Soapy.:) Use a mild acidic solution on a wet sponge. Wipe and remove spots. Re-apply if spots aren't completely removed, and avoid getting the surface wet before the acid neutralizes the alkaline deposit. Once the windshield is wet, it dilutes...
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    Free Water! Free Promotion! Free Appreciation!

    As well, I'm wondering who really owns rainwater that falls from the sky unto your property. I know that most municipalities mandate that you control groundwater runoff through a swale that enters a property from one place and must exit the property in similar fashion down a swale to the...
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    Free Water! Free Promotion! Free Appreciation!

    Finders Keepers! It would seem to me that capturing rainwater and using it for landscape maintenance that ultimately returns the water back into the soil, you are still conserving water because the drinking water that was saved by not being used to water the landscape... is available for other...