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  1. Whale of a Wash

    PolyVend Conversion

    Call Jim at Shurvend- He would send you in the right direction.
  2. Whale of a Wash

    There are no guarantees

    Reds, In our state of Minnesota is the Mayo clinic, Some of the best in the world. If you have any doubts, please contact them. Wishing you the best!! John
  3. Whale of a Wash

    BMW Beware

    I think that H -D Motorcycles has a flat one I've seen at the wash also. Not sure if it has the same paint though.
  4. Whale of a Wash

    Amenities You Have or Wish You Had at Your Wash? (for self)

    You have it pretty good at the wash. I guess we have no amenities nothing for food, we do have a Tv as is it used for cameras, but have a second TV over the shurvend With a local channel that does wx all day with radio audio. If i built another i would put 3-4 apts on top for rental income...
  5. Whale of a Wash

    Help..Customer damage claim.

    Just say to have her insurance company call, and you will refer them to your It shouldn't go very far, once they see who did the damage, her not you.
  6. Whale of a Wash

    Strange article

    I can't believe without a coating ,or something in the soap that is light reactive,that UV will have any effect. I see people that never wash and the sun won't clean their cars. The suntan and blindness would bother some people also. My self cleaning windows on apt Bldg don't really seem any...
  7. Whale of a Wash

    How far do you live from your wash?

    All five are about 2-6 mi away from house, but can be about 8-10mi from one wash to another . Takes about 50-60 mi a day on average. Very little gas cost , The Nissan Altima Hybrid gets about 38mpg, Fill it up every 9 days.
  8. Whale of a Wash

    Free Vacuums??

    I know in my area free vacs would give me quite a workout, i offer free garbage now. Around here they would drop off the garbage-- vacuum and leave. Do you have a way to dispense a token from your automatic for a free vac. instead? Sometimes even pricing the vacs at .25 would seem like free...
  9. Whale of a Wash


    I wonder if that is just a slight amount of dirt that is waxed on , or excessive wax- not rinsed off well enough. Does it come off easily if you use a foamy brush on it.
  10. Whale of a Wash

    Strange article

    I was surprised by the article also, but the ultraviolet light part made some sense. They use ultraviolet light to purify water, my dentist uses it to harden fillings, and I have bought replacement windows for my apartment buildings that are self-cleaning because of a coating --They self clean...
  11. Whale of a Wash

    Half Pint Vendor frustrations!

    So the sun is back one year later. No great ideas here except having some sort of banner made, and put it on a frame to block alot of the sun out of completely, and promoting something at the wash, and position it 5 feet from vendor unless this is the noon sun. I suppose one could bypass the...
  12. Whale of a Wash

    Defending a car wash

    I did not see you explain any theory to your case. Sounds like you are just trying to explain away, a poor driver that can't listen to directions. How could you be working for the car wash with such poor ideas. I only have self serve washes, so i am not defending a tunnel operator, but i didn't...
  13. Whale of a Wash

    Water Vending Machine Suggestions

    What do they cost?
  14. Whale of a Wash


    How to tell where you customers are from!! How to Know where a Driver is from One hand on wheel, one hand on horn: New York One hand on wheel, one finger out window: Chicago One hand on wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot solidly on accelerator: Boston One hand on wheel, cradling cell...
  15. Whale of a Wash


    Did you mean Two-Farty.
  16. Whale of a Wash

    Signs Good or Bad or Ugly

    I leave the autos doors up unless below freezing,But my electric eyes would stop that from happening. If you have no eyes i would get some as it is fairly normal for people to back up in the dryer. use the loop for dryer shutoff, but the eyes for door closure, if it happens once it will happen...
  17. Whale of a Wash

    4th of July what is your sign say?

    I'm not very gifted for words but, an off-sale(liquor) store in town says Buy a Fifth on the third for the fourth!!
  18. Whale of a Wash

    There are no guarantees

    I have lost a few friends at early ages, even a couple in high school. It is a problem we cannot escape. I sometimes have problems with that fact and the thought of ones parents, and our children also dying. Definately a case for making the most of ones life, and doing the most, and enjoying...
  19. Whale of a Wash

    Handgun Giveaway

    I thought that the small arms agreement hillary is working on with other countries would limit small arms greatly check this article out. They are going thru the back door to blame it on other countries.
  20. Whale of a Wash

    Handgun Giveaway

    Can I send you some money to buy a wash for me!!