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  1. Whale of a Wash

    Too Cold and Closed

    you guys should get an airline ticket, to my city and we'll show you how to survive and show you customers washing cars at -15. Our coldest temp Jan 2, was -33 and we did close for part of the day. I don't even have to turn the floor heat on until it gets about 20 outside as the people...
  2. Whale of a Wash

    Debunking climate change from Wx Channel Video
  3. Whale of a Wash

    The ugly truth for 2009

    I think the rough weather may continue, can't decide how long to stay open today. It's -26 outside without the windchill, the whole week for us is better but not much, -10 to -15 with very few days above the donut. you get alot of freeloaders that want to thaw out the car for free, etc. With...
  4. Whale of a Wash

    Combo Automatic

    I had two nustar comets. With all the swivels-it required about one a month at $500, or more now. It was terrible on hydraulic hoses, all the surging pressures moved the hoses and would wear them fairly quick. It washed good with the 0 degree nozzles, but the swirling spinners scared alot of...
  5. Whale of a Wash

    Hapy New Year

    I thought those pics were a given, the rest were optional.
  6. Whale of a Wash

    Hapy New Year

    It has to be a crazy night to end up there. Are you able to get us some car wash pictures from there. Happy New Year Bill!!
  7. Whale of a Wash

    Multiple air Freshners

    I got this idea from Walmart, 3 pack Car freshner trees I think $2.99. I was thinking of trying to sell multiple trees from the Shurvendors, Maybe 4 Trees for $3.5 and Put the top 4 sellers with a rubber band around them. I would have sold multiple trees, and the customer would have extras...
  8. Whale of a Wash

    Free Wifi for customers**pros and cons

    I am not a computer person , but it would bother me to have the customers on the same connection my computer is hooked to, some would know how to access your computer , I think most wifi's have hours of access, and content restrictions, to keep you legal.
  9. Whale of a Wash

    dryer, noise, and a neighbor

    Most cities have zoning laws, pertaining to noise, our city had us zoned industrial and only allowed so many decibels to spill over, in our case into multi family apartments, and they don't seem as fussy as homeowners. But we were able to drop the noise on existing blowers almost 15db...
  10. Whale of a Wash

    Twisted off Key...

    I had the same problem this week--But i had more access to the lock. On the back of the lock is a small hole. If you can get a stiff wire in it you can push the key out, Otherwise we have some old dental picks we try to use.
  11. Whale of a Wash

    SONNY'S DIRECT...Supplier or competitor???

    There is a wash in my town that is full serve, and I am self serve. He advertises alot at the 10pm news. I don't advertise, and our names are quite different-- they are Don's car washes and I am whale of a wash. I have people all the time saying they seen my ad on tv. The consumer gets the...
  12. Whale of a Wash

    Blow the snow off package?

    It's a good idea, but i can see very few with a clean car coming in, won't most be somewhat dirty and then want a clean car when they leave. Around here they would be saying the same in summer, all i have is a little dust- I should get a discount ,I don't know what type of wash you have, but...
  13. Whale of a Wash


    What I meant was nicer temps than me, In the colder climates it is difficult to stay afloat with high heating costs, and slower business.. Our Oct was wet also with 26 days of rain and 14".. Our car washes lost a lot of revenue this spring, as we had one of the worst floods in history-- another...
  14. Whale of a Wash


    Seriously- You guys are really lucky to enjoy nice wx all the time, but that doesn't always translate into good carwash days. The only reason people wash up here in the winter is the fact that our city sprays salt on the street, and even with regular washing, it still dulls the finish some.
  15. Whale of a Wash


    I thought the people of texas were tougher. We haven't seen 60 degrees in two months, and it will be 5 months now before our snow leaves.. Yesterday we topped at 14 degrees and was a pretty good wash day. Today I will be controlled by Football. An hour before the vikings play the washes will...
  16. Whale of a Wash

    Entire carwash looses prime

    Your right a bigger tank won't make a difference if the 7 bays were on forever. I have 3 bays and a touchfree on a 1" line. When we put in the IBA it would starve the bays if all were running. By doubling the storage tank it allowed us enough time to pass that One bay would stop running and...
  17. Whale of a Wash

    street sign illumination

    I think something is wrong with the sign co. I get 7-8 yrs w/probably about the same setup. The ballast is maybe getting wet, or low voltage. Either that or find a handyman guy to dig into it, I did that and he punched holes in bottum of sign to drain water. The sign guys are not always on your...
  18. Whale of a Wash

    Sometimes everything goes right

    Thats great it worked so smooth. I used to have a rats nest of hoses that would always blow when I owned a Nustar. I had to wash Hydr oil off a new car for 3 hours. It got in the window seals and oiled the windows when they went up. We used to have a starbucks on every corner, and now they...
  19. Whale of a Wash

    Entire carwash looses prime

    If you can make the tank bigger, or two tanks each feeding half the bays you should be able to solve the problem.
  20. Whale of a Wash

    Climate Change E Mails

    Al Gore is not making millions off this, i thought he was worth over a billion now, and it isn;t from his 500th ranked tv channel (Current). Everything in life is always about money or Sex.