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  1. R

    Caught on Camera. Why it’s good to have quality cameras.

    What kind of cameras are those?
  2. R

    Changer face plate

    I have one. Also im located in CA. Send me a message.
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    Cryptopay Cryptotap Concerns

    i think it's a complete waste of money having two separate devices. Just adding more things to repair and expense. If ALL credit cards become tap, and only having a tap/push button device would be great. No more swiping just tap and push the button to add more time. .
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    Car Wash Scents

    are those scents compatible with other brand chemicals? Does it matter if the chemical is high/low ph?
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    Jim Coleman Vending Center

    I'm looking into purchasing a Jim Coleman Vend Center with 10 single laurel metal machines and a meter box in the middle that has a bill/coin/cc acceptor. Has anyone installed this at a self serve? I see all the express washes use this vend center. The self serves I see just purchase the...
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    2021 Change

    You think we can have a phone chat sometime?
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    2021 Change

    Do you still accept quarters ? The only question is what do I do on vending machines? They are all laurel metal...I put c/c readers but I cant put a validator.
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    2021 Change

    Hey guys, I want to get rid of all my change machines and replace with Bill Breakers Only. I accept bills in bays and will add validators in vacuums. I am tired of collecting so many coins and seeing non customers stealing change and driving away. I feel it would help. I will still accept...
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    Who says Self Serves are dying?

    A really good self serve can potentially make more net profit than an express. SS's don't have the expense/liability/maintenance like an express. Obviously express sounds really good....500 to 1000 cars per day. What happens when other express builds near you? Car count drop. It sounds like...
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    Triad RL-400 Bill Changer/Recycler

    So pretty simple machine to repair ?
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    Triad RL-400 Bill Changer/Recycler

    Look very nice. Was it easy to fix the coin jam with the hoppers they use?
  12. R

    Triad RL-400 Bill Changer/Recycler

    Looking to add this to my car wash. Dispensing quarter only. If a customer puts in a $20, machine will give 3 $5's and 20 quarters. Anyone have experience with this changer? Reliability? Easy to repair?
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    Erie Foam Master

    This material
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    Erie Foam Master

    The bristles colors are salt and pepper. They call it flagged tip bristles.
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    Erie Foam Master

    There is local self wash using an Erie foam master brush possibly 4 3/4 long but does not feel like the real hog hair. It seems like that brush material lasts a lot longer than the real hog hair. Anyone know what it is?
  16. R

    Lamb Ametek 115334 - 2 Stage 1 Speed 492&order-uom=EA&warehouse-id=1&item-number=DOMEL 492 Is this what you're using? Will this fit in a standard 2 motor IVS vacuum with a plastic dome?
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    Lamb Ametek 115334 - 2 Stage 1 Speed

    That's what I saw too.
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    Lamb Ametek 115334 - 2 Stage 1 Speed

    Which Domel model runs at 8amps? My breaker is only a 20amp.
  19. R

    Lamb Ametek 115334 - 2 Stage 1 Speed

    Does the Domel motor you recommended work with a 20amp service?
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    Air Dryer Question
