Search results

  1. R

    Good Reclaim recommendation for SS Operation

    Any new self service built, cities will require a reclaim system. Sucks!
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    Adding Shade Canopies to Vacuum/Dry Off Area

    Hello everyone, I was thinking about adding a cantilever shade structure over my vacuum/ dry off area. ($45,000 investment) I own an self service car wash. Do you think that would bring in more customers during hot summer days and increase overall revenue? Or would I lose vacuum sales because...
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    Coinless Car wash

    Anybody thought about not accepting coins? Only bills and credit cards in bays/vacuums/vending?
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    IVS 140001 Vacuum - Adding Dixmor LED7 Timer

    Hello, I have 5 IVS 140001 with the standard Ginsan accumulating GS-403 timer with sensortron coin acceptor. I want to add dixmor led 7 digital timers. How do I hook up the timer?
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    How you doing? Who did your install on your 3 motor vacuums?

    How you doing? Who did your install on your 3 motor vacuums?
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    Microcoin QL mounting Bracket Pin Issue

    Very crappy bracket. I have tried looking for other brackets but no luck.
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    I like how the combo vac hose hangs on the side of the vacuum instead of wrapping hose around the front meter box. What do you guys think?
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    What do you mean mismatching motors? I use lamb VAL6336 from kleen-rite. Which do you recommend ?
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    Very interesting point made Randy. What type of maintenance do you do on your 2 motor vacuums? At my site we clean vacuums every week.
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    So what's the verdict? 3 vac motor or combo vac with turbo option?
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    Is there a noticeable difference in electric costs running 3 motors? I plan on charging $2 for 5 minutes
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    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    In the market of upgrading new vacuums. What do you recommend? 1. Standard 2 vac motor set up 2. Combo Vac 2 motor + 1 turbo if customer pushes button (Usually cuts down time or customer's pay more for this feature.) 3. Buy a standard vac with 3 motor set up. one price; one time. What do...
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    Prices at self service cw around the USA.

    $4 - 4 min $5 - 5 min $6 - 6 min $7 - 10 min $1.50 vac - 4 min
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    Central vacs

    EuroVac is a good company.
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    Will an exterior car wash only work without vacuum stalls?

    Hello, there is a full service car wash on a small lot located near me for sale (Not on the market he is a friend). Excellent location, high traffic count, high density, A+ location. Also there are no express car washes near me within 4 miles. The only problem is the lot is small which I can...
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    Designing custom meter box/faceplate

    Who designs custom meter box/faceplates?
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    Is there a trick to getting wall mount booms to return to the wall?

    What is your email address?
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    Is there a trick to getting wall mount booms to return to the wall?

    MEP001 - My boom works with 2 bearings, a 2'' shaft going thru, and internally there is a 1/4 SS pipe. It looks like the bearings are not exactly aligned, looks slightly angled like the picture above. Can I email you MEP001? I would like to send you pics. I'm sure you have not seen my boom...
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    Is there a trick to getting wall mount booms to return to the wall?

    MEP001 - Can you explain more in detail on how this works? Does it work with bearings that hold a shaft and swings back and forth? I can take pics to show you more in detail what i'm talking about.