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  1. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    2 Biz, she's a winner and really makes my life easy when it comes to anything in the Washes. My oldest son is in the Express Wash business and his brother is his General Manager. So normally when Julie has a problem she calls the brothers and I feel like the Maytag repairman. I just usually...
  2. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Now for the problems we had. The lamps were really tight in the fixture when it came time to close them. We eventually broke 2 of the CFL's. We tried bending the brace that held the socket a little and finally realized we could unscrew the socket from the frame, reverse it which would give us...
  3. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Today the dozen 85W CFL's arrived. We wired a fixture we had in the warehouse to show my daughter what we would be doing so tomorrow we'll go to our 1 4-bay unit that has the small base fixtures in them and put in a at least 6 or we may go for the whole twelve. However I might be wise in...
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    ss check valve

    Jimmy check the solenoid for dirt (can be very small) that would be holding it open. Be careful when you dismantle it because some have more than one spring in it. If the valve is really old make sure you check the seat of the valve if it's brass unless you replace the whole valve!
  5. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Thanks Pat & 2 Biz. Next question: Someone had said that these fixtures will need "ventilation" because they do get hot! What have you done for ventilation for these fixtures? Or just put the bulbs in and just turn them on?
  6. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Thanks 2Biz for the response. Daughter gave me a count this afternoon on the light fixtures. We have 116 of these in total not including the vac areas and yard lighting where there were dark areas. So I will try the 85's and put them in 1 or 2 bays where we have the small base fixture and do...
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    pump oil help

    Thanks MEP for your thoughts on this. I'm certainly not a technician but I am good at troubleshooting. When we look at the back of a pump and the oil is milky white then the water is evidently mixed in with the Cat oil When there is no increase in the center-line of the site glass then I have...
  8. K

    Repair 1034R or replace with Dixmor LED6?

    You can't go wrong with the Dixmor timer! We have used the LED-5, then went to the multiple pricing with the LED-7's and we now use the DX-2002's. There's nothing wrong with the ones we pulled out, we just wanted to go to the multiple pricing and then the 2002's so you could read them from the...
  9. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Randy I just got off the phone with a "Kelly" at this company and ordered a dozen of the 85W CFL's 5000k full spectrum stock code FC85550D OD They also have a socket #243201 to fit the bulb which is not needed at this time because we'll try them at our location that already has that socket size.
  10. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    Thanks Mep, Randy & Soapy for the quick reply. Randy, I asked 2-Biz if he replaced the female (mogul) socket in his fixture and there has been no reply, but I would think it would be available. My fixture width is 10" on the bulk of our light fixtures. To gain more room I could gut the fixture...
  11. K

    pump oil help

    QUOTE: No MEP1 I’m not being a smartarse. I asked this question because different ATF fluid has different additives and properties. Using Dexron in a transmission that calls for another type ATF will make the seals leak. I didn’t want to run the risk of ruining the seals in the Cat pump by...
  12. K

    In-Bay and Vac Station Lights

    2Biz I've read with interest your thread on lighting and we are now looking into it. I've read Soapy's suggetion regarding using Full Spectrum (daylite) in the 5000 color range. My dilema will be to sample some although I want the brightest (as everyone does), and in our bays (we have 25 bays)...
  13. K

    Air Compressor Noise Mitigation

    I could see doing something for noise suppression if you were building new but for me, all we have are self-serve's and nowhere to build around to reduce the noise. The other thing is we don't "live" at our locations. They are checked 3 to 4 times a day for cleanliness (My daughter runs them...
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    Air Compressor Noise Mitigation

    Reds There are some advantages to hearing aids as when your wife hits you with a project before you have your aids plugged in!:D
  15. K

    Air Compressor Noise Mitigation

    Mike they are noisy. I've thought at times if I could run an intake pipe to the compressor from outside that might make a difference in the noise level. But all of our locations have small machinery rooms, so no matter where you are in there it's noisy if anything is running. Fortunately (or...
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    pump oil help

    Well, let's see. A pint of Cat oil is $7 or $8 bucks & divide by 6 months you're maybe $1.25 a month cost. But to drain the pump sitting on the platform in the machinery room is a real pain consequently we don't do it until we have a problem with the oil changing color and increasing in the...
  17. K

    pump oil help

    Hi Mike, I think I.B. is probably right. eBay or Craigs list. I don't know of anybody (at least in my area) that are using them anymore. I've been straightening out my warehouse and found one.
  18. K

    pump oil help

    Hi Mike, I think I.B.
  19. K

    GS-255 Timer

    washregal I found 6 GS-255's on the shelf. All tested & checked out. If you need any PM me.