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  1. Fatboy769

    Monex connection help

    Dick, what's your average ticket price with those 4 prices? TIA
  2. Fatboy769

    Rotary Selector Problem / Diagnosis

    Looks like contactor in the Istobal chemical delivery control box.
  3. Fatboy769

    Cryptopay Count Up problem

    Monex uses Kiosoft readers. So, did you ever figure out what the issue was?
  4. Fatboy769


    Controller for what?
  5. Fatboy769

    Cryptopay Count Up problem

    Yes, that will tell you which one is sending a continuous signal to the timer. If bay has been working fine up to installing the new card readers, my bet would be on the card reader being the culprit. I know nothing about that particular card reader, however the other types used in carwashes (...
  6. Fatboy769

    Cryptopay Count Up problem

    If the timer is displaying “coin”, that means it’s getting a constant signal to the coin input on the timer. If you remove the coin signal wire from card reader and it goes back to scrolling a message on the LED 7, that means your credit card reader is sending a constant signal to the timer.
  7. Fatboy769

    KR Free Shipping?

    That's why. If you're ordering 1-2 pallets, you're spending more than $1,250
  8. Fatboy769

    New to the business

    Sent you a PM
  9. Fatboy769

    Does anyone know where I can get a Sign like this?

    Nice looking sign, ruined by a half a$$ wiring job. Some people take zero pride in their work.
  10. Fatboy769

    Long Bay Petit

    At the end of the day, all that matters is, are you getting the vehicles clean. If you’re not, it doesn’t matter how fast you do it.
  11. Fatboy769

    Credit/Debit Card Charges by the Providers

    I didn't think Cryptopay was available in Canada.
  12. Fatboy769

    Pre soak soap leaking for self bay gun .

    I can assure you that you didn’t fix a Presoak running out of the wand issue by changing a foam brush solenoid. If you can do that, you better by a lottery ticket immediately.
  13. Fatboy769

    Pre soak soap leaking for self bay gun .

    So, the solenoid valve you had in your hand has nothing to do with the Presoak. They are used for the Soap and Wax functions. Look at the attached photo, you will see a plate with the label Presoak on it. There’s a black flojet pump under the label and to the right of it is a 2-bay solenoid...
  14. Fatboy769

    Pre soak soap leaking for self bay gun .

    How about some pics of the solenoid manifold/ equipment set up? Are you sure you installed new solenoid in the correct direction? Only way presoak can get from the chemical holding tank to running out of the wand, is it has to go through a solenoid that is not closing from trash inside of it...
  15. Fatboy769

    Tri foam gun tip.

    5040 seems to work pretty well.
  16. Fatboy769

    Issues with cryptopay tap plus

    What did Cryptopay support say when you told them the issue you were having?
  17. Fatboy769

    New pump stands

    If he bought the new D&S IQ Self Serve, the chemicals would be ran through hydraflex injectors. @Gas biz, if you can tell us what color injectors you are using for foam brush and tire cleaner (white or yellow) and what color tip is screwed into the injector, we can tell you what dilution ratio...
  18. Fatboy769

    New pump stands

    Can your distributor not help you with fine tuning the chemical ratios for those products? For what you had to pay for that system, they ought to be able to help you adjust it down to an acceptable level.
  19. Fatboy769

    Old GinSan Timer with Fragromatics

    Common is the terminal closest to the face plate. NO is the middle terminal.