Search results

  1. K

    SS Manager Hours and Days Off?

    Holy crap! And I thought my crowd was bad...
  2. K

    Alternative use for self storage building

    I can't imagine that won't solve your break-in problem. Very impressive. I've got a friend that works for the National Park Service and I was telling him about our homeless/crime problem. He said, "We've got a program for problem bears that works pretty well. Just follow our lead..." 1) Dart...
  3. K

    SS Manager Hours and Days Off?

    We're on the north side of San Antonio, just inside Loop 1604. Glad to hear you're on the mend from Covid.
  4. K

    The Struggles of Using a Self Serve Car Wash

    Funny as hell, and spot on. I see it every day at my wash
  5. K

    Alternative use for self storage building

    How much would you charge to build a gate like that to put in front of my coke machine? Only a matter of time before Bubba and Cooter wrap a tow strap around it and take it for a spin.
  6. K

    SS Manager Hours and Days Off?

    Thanks, guys, good suggestions. I'm leaning toward giving him Wednesday off and I've got a line on a stand-in to do the minor cleanup on that day. No kidding, most Wednesday mornings aren't bad at my wash but occasionally we'll be left with a small bomb blast. Weekends? No way in hell I can go...
  7. K

    Alternative use for self storage building

    Man that’s impressive, you guys do nice work
  8. K

    SS Manager Hours and Days Off?

    All - The 7-bay SS that I've just finished renovating came with a manager when I purchased it. In addition to mine, he takes care of two other SS washes in our city. In addition to trash and wash downs, he can make most repairs and does a great job of monitoring all of the wash functions for...
  9. K

    Sign frames for SS bays

    All - I am looking for a sign frame (like letter sized) to mount above my meter boxes, that I can slide a laminated sign into. Basically a system where I can swap out messages and adverts about things we're offering at the wash. Obviously the frame would need to be stainless, or sturdy plastic...
  10. K

    Video cable question

    Just finished installing a complete system from Backstreet Surveillance. I'd go with the cat6 burial cable for any runs that aren't completely inside the building or in conduit. Any money you save by going with the cheaper cable will be gone when it degrades and you have to pull and replace it...
  11. K

    Cameras and security systems

    Agreed, I have a Backstreet system and it's tough to get someone on the phone by calling in on their 800 number.
  12. K

    A nation of sheep

    I'm not shedding any tears for the airline industry. Karma is a bitch, and this pandemic will force them to atone for the way they've treated their customers for the past 30 years. Looking ahead, I can't see many people putting up with packed filthy planes, jetways, and boarding areas. Yep...
  13. K

    A nation of sheep

    Yep, I’ve also turned off politics. Both sides. I’m an equal opportunity hater. Best thing that could happen to this country right now is a center of the aisle meteor strike on Washington DC.
  14. K

    A nation of sheep

    Not me. This Covid crap has prodded me into turning off 24 hour televised news. They are destroying our country and I’m done with them. We were a lot better place when Walter Cronkite had about 30 minutes each day to report the news. Now these talking head bastards create news. Going on 5...
  15. K

    Advise needed, first time potential buyer

    Is that $75k is actual "take home pay" (after all operating expenses, debt, taxes) then it may be worth a closer look. If not, no thanks
  16. K

    Air Dryer Question

    My credit cards are set up to charge slightly higher than coin customers, so I care
  17. K

    Air Dryer Question

    I installed an Air Logic Dryer as a test unit in one of my 7 SS bays about 4 months ago. It's got an hour meter on it so I can track usage. So far it has increased that bay's revenue by roughly 11% with an average usage of 12 hours per month. At that rate it will pay itself off within the year...
  18. K

    Yet another bill changer query

    Great idea, are the outside frame and interior brackets connected to each other inside the wall?
  19. K

    Where can I find this container?

    Have you tried Uline?
  20. K

    Yet another bill changer query

    Thanks guys, all good info. Is there any aftermarket value for the Rowe 2800? I'm sure someone smarter than me could refurb it and make good use of it.