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  1. Fatboy769

    Tri-Foam SS PSI

    Waxman, what were your final settings for chemical and air? Are you running both through a needle valve? Thanks
  2. Fatboy769

    Can this be done Part Time?

    Oh, how I wished my competition operated like that. Taking all their buisness, would be like taking candy from a baby!
  3. Fatboy769

    A little bit of humor to start or end your day

    A man boarded a plane with 6 kids. After they got settled in their seats a woman sitting across the aisle from him leaned over to him and asked, "Are all of those kids yours?" He replied, "No, I work for a condom company and these are customer complaints."
  4. Fatboy769

    Self serve bay

    Don't know what type of equipment you have, but it sounds like you may have an overload on your motor contactor that is kicking out. If so, depending on how it is set up, when it cools down, it will allow the motor to run again. If you were losing the timed load from the timer, it would kill...
  5. Fatboy769

    My IBA's Quality

    I totally agree, definately make sure you act like a "pro" in this situation.
  6. Fatboy769

    Quote of the Week

    The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he is a baby. Natalie Wood
  7. Fatboy769

    Quote of the Week

    Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. Mark Twain
  8. Fatboy769

    Quote of the Week

    The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor: She said, "If you were my husband I'd give you poison," and he said, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it."
  9. Fatboy769

    GinSan / Industrial Vacuum

    Who are the new investors?
  10. Fatboy769

    Inspiration to all
  11. Fatboy769

    "Reverend" Jessee Jackson

    Tom, I know he's not going to change. Just wishful thinking on my part. I'm just sick and tired of him always playing the race card, when in fact, he's one of the biggest racist of all time.
  12. Fatboy769

    "Reverend" Jessee Jackson

    This guy is definately a work of art! Maybe one day, he'll have to get off his a$$ and get a real job.
  13. Fatboy769

    Looking for adsvise

    Tom, call their 800# on Monday and ask for Marco. Great people to deal with and he can answer any questions you have.
  14. Fatboy769

    How long have you been in the car wash business?

    21 years for me. Spending a couple hours at the car wash messing around is a great stress relief for me. You do run across some idiot customers, but on the flip side, I've also met some very nice people at the wash to. I also enjoy all the different challenges you run into. The thing I hate...
  15. Fatboy769

    cleaning up at ss wash

    SCS, what are the more profitable things you could do? Maybe it's just me, but I don't know any other legal thing that I could spend a few hours a day at and make the money that I do and enjoy doing it. Guess I'll just be lazy and content counting all this money.
  16. Fatboy769

    cleaning up at ss wash

    Jim, I totally agree. I own a 5 & 1 and between my father-in-law and myself, the wash is attended 3 to 4 times a day 7 days a week. Most would think this is overkill, but I'm the one paying the bills and that's how I'm going to do it. When I do have problems, they're not problems very long...
  17. Fatboy769

    Hot water

    I'll second that. I can't begin to tell you how many customers comment on how they pass other washes to use mine because of the hot water and how well everything works. Run the best wash that you can and charge accordingly for it.
  18. Fatboy769

    Can anyone comment on KR In-Bay Presoak

    I've never used any chemical from KR, but I do use JBS and if it is a relable of their chemical, I would say that it is pretty good. I've been using JBS for several years and have been very satisfied, they're very good people to deal with.
  19. Fatboy769

    A little bit of humor to start or end your day

    A man passed out on the beach in Miami for four hours, and got a horrible sunburn, specifically to the front of his legs above his knees. He went to the hospital, and was promptly admitted after being diagnosed with second-degree burns With his skin already starting to blister, and the severe...
  20. Fatboy769

    "Your brush scratched my car!"

    Mep, I've had a couple of similar situations before. Both times I told the customer to contact my insurance co. They did and the insurance co contacted me to see what I wanted to do. I told them not to pay anything and I never heard any more about it. I figure that 1) that's what I have...