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  1. K

    A tip of the hat to Wash World

    This site has far too many examples of unscrupolus people posing as distributors and ripping off people. Sure does.
  2. K

    Chemical Expenses

    Most suppliers crank up the usage. (metering tips) so they sell more often. I've just replaced five blend__ users with Wars__ chemicals and backed the metering tips off 3 to 4 sizes and it's working great, and the customers are really happy!
  3. K

    Need insurance in Florida

    Hi ya, Richard. Fort Myers here now too.
  4. K

    For airplane nuts at the show

    So what kind of plane do you own?
  5. K

    Laser 4000 cheat sheet

    If you need a cheat sheet, chances are you shouldn't be working on it!
  6. K

    4000 overhead manifold air and soap question

    60 is the arch air, 80 should be the cross over air for the under carriage/arch.
  7. K

    Laserwash 4000 questions

    Agreed, the arch rotate cam is the problem on the arch, loosen the two set screws and tap it in the reverse of what you think. (honest) On the dryer, check the rollers, sounds like they maybe bad. The prox switches can be set to like 1/16" behind the magnets. ( use a straight edge) Worked PDQ...
  8. K

    Dryer Start--Timer spacing

    3 seconds should be enough time on the delay. That's how I set all of my dryers, doesn't matter what machine.
  9. K

    Anti Freeze in Oilers???

    Guess how I know this;( Yikes, sorry to hear... Point taken on the water/elect. mixture. Was just trying to help.
  10. K

    Anti Freeze in Oilers???

    Worked for PDQ, out of Rancho Cordova, Ca. use to service the Reno area. Lets just say freezing is freezing. The thing is the heat tape worked, and fixed the problem. It's a cheap way to go.
  11. K

    Anti Freeze in Oilers???

    For some reason Reno is not the place we in Chicago would consider as having cold weather. Reno, gets very cold...... Take it from someone who lived in Michigan for 34 years, on Lake Huron.
  12. K

    Water in pumps of Mark VII autos

    Hmmm, Cat's are designed to rotate in one direction, unlike many other pumps. Have you done anything else except change the oil? Like pull the head and look for scorching or seal falure? Any grit in the tanks above? A good technician could/would isolate the issues, and make the repairs.
  13. K

    Anti Freeze in Oilers???

    Do what I did in Reno, go buy a heat tape ( used for gutters on the roof ) wrap the pipes and insulate with foam, plug it in..... Will also work for chemical lines.