The Hydrominders for soap/wax supply to the pump don't need hot water since the amount the pump will draw and mix with hot water isn't enough to noticeably cool it. You could in theory run hot water to the presoak valve but without some way to keep the tank hot most people will never get hot presoak.
Manual says smc 555
The ryco pump stand seems like the best engineered unit. Until you look at what controls it and it seems way to complex. No offense.
I believe you'd see a lot more use of a tri-foam than a tire shine, but IMO placement of the gun is crucial. I've had a number of people tell me their customers don't use tri-foam, but they always have the gun holder in the opposite corner of the bay from the meter box. I put it on the opposite wall with the brush hanging in the middle of the wall so 1) they can see/hear the gun when they select it and 2) they have to walk past it to get the foam brush. About a third of customers use it.
If you don't mind, could you post a picture of your bay setup when you get a chance?