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.... And then there is AFGHANISTAN!


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Sep 7, 2007
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I do not really need to say any more than the title of this thread. That said, I am gonna say this anyway:

Do you know how President Trump "negotiated" with the head Taliban Mullah when he said the USA would be pulling out of Afghanistan ... but leaving in a measured and strategic way? Wellll, he promised the terrorist head cheese that if there were ANY territorial or whatevva violations before, during or after or extractions:

"There would be extreme consequences!" And oh BTW, Trump actually added in his own charming "diplomatic" way --- that he knew where the Mullah could be found and where his home, village, family and tribe all were. Trump having had Iran's terrorist General Solemani and his entourage vaporized, Mr. Taliban knew he would not do what he's so gleefully and freely doing now thanks to you know who.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2021
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That was 4 or 5 days ago. Come on man. Here's the deal lol


6 bay SS w/laundromat
Sep 7, 2007
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North Dakota
Point ... well made JJJ ... as you have been known to make great points in the past with SSCWN etc.

General Mike Flynn puts everything in as good of perspective as currently possible it seems. Not to paraphrase him too much but it amounts to ... is once the "atheistic or 'functional atheists'" found a way to swing in their favor ... especially close elections ... at every level all bets are off. Lying before & after the elections ... & have a pack of propaganda-distortionists (MSM) ... also bought, sold & paid for ... & that becomes the norm ... we have only ourselves to blame for allowing horrific problems to develop within the USA itself. Internal corruption at that level ... also has a drastic effect on rest of the world ... IMHO.

One of my very highly educated nephews ... awhile back toured Communist Vietnam with a bunch of his friends. I asked him "did they allow you young people (still in their 20s) everywhere in their country"? He said "absolutely" ... the Vietnamese tour guides showing them ... were also so nice! At some point ... I need to pin him down wondering why him & his entourage did not find out more about the treatment of those who believe in the "GIFT OF CHRISTIANITY"!

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Sep 7, 2007
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It's been proven that Trump's "collusion" impeachment was a fraud and disgusting travesty ... actually a Deep State conspiracy and coup attempt. But if ever a president truly deserved impeachment (and as Commander in Chief a Court Martial) --- surely such a criminal contaminates the Oval Office now! I make that point publically via the "Impeach Biden" bumper sticker that I created and I have on my car. It's really therapeutic getting thumbs up and positive horn toots as I drive around town and park at Home Depot.

And I have to wonder and ask --- how many if any of the Liberal members of this Forum have had their eyes opened by their side of the aisle's • outrageous power grabs, • tyrannical lockdowns, • de facto vaccine mandates, • border disaster, • 60,000+ Americans OD-ing on drugs flowing across that border, •trans-genderizing women's sports, • rising inflation and • coming rise in taxation, • defunding the police, • racist Critical Race Theory, • Cancel Culture, • ending our energy independence, • the slaughter of Black Lives in Dem cities, • failure of public schools "thanks" to Teacher Unions, and • oh so much more than "just" • leaving Americans hostage in Afghanistan, • the avoidable murder of 13 Marines, • surrendering to the Taliban and • arming them with almost 90 $ BILLION of state of the art weaponry ... and on and on. For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on.




Well-known member
Nov 5, 2019
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It's been proven that Trump's "collusion" impeachment was a fraud and disgusting travesty ... actually a Deep State conspiracy and coup attempt. But if ever a president truly deserved impeachment (and as Commander in Chief a Court Martial) --- surely such a criminal contaminates the Oval Office now! I make that point publically via the "Impeach Biden" bumper sticker that I created and I have on my car. It's really therapeutic getting thumbs up and positive horn toots as I drive around town and park at Home Depot.

And I have to wonder and ask --- how many if any of the Liberal members of this Forum have had their eyes opened by their side of the aisle's • outrageous power grabs, • tyrannical lockdowns, • de facto vaccine mandates, • border disaster, • 60,000+ Americans OD-ing on drugs flowing across that border, •trans-genderizing women's sports, • rising inflation and • coming rise in taxation, • defunding the police, • racist Critical Race Theory, • Cancel Culture, • ending our energy independence, • the slaughter of Black Lives in Dem cities, • failure of public schools "thanks" to Teacher Unions, and • oh so much more than "just" • leaving Americans hostage in Afghanistan, • the avoidable murder of 13 Marines, • surrendering to the Taliban and • arming them with almost 90 $ BILLION of state of the art weaponry ... and on and on. For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on.


View attachment 4251
That’s a great question 👌


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2019
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Is there gonna be a poll? It looks like alotta questions!!
This to me is one question rolled up. How many if any have had their eyes opened

“And I have to wonder and ask --- how many if any of the Liberal members of this Forum have had their eyes opened by their side of the aisle's • outrageous power grabs, • tyrannical lockdowns, • de facto vaccine mandates, • border disaster”


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2019
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I think of myself as a progressive. Does that qualify me to answer your question(s)? :unsure: :cool:
You’re as qualified as I am. 😬 I’m independent and don’t trust any form of our government but if you can’t say how screwed up this administration is and unfit Biden is then you’re heads in the sand. The hypocrisy is laughable. Can you imagine if any republican president couldn’t complete a coherent sentence like this guy. It’s an embarrassment


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2019
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You’re as qualified as I am. 😬 I’m independent and don’t trust any form of our government but if you can’t say how screwed up this administration is and unfit Biden is then you’re heads in the sand. The hypocrisy is laughable. Can you imagine if any republican president couldn’t complete a coherent sentence like this guy. It’s an embarrassment


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Sep 7, 2007
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OMG, John, YES! Actually, I gotta THANK YOU for inadvertently/tangentially adding yet another important point to all those above. Namely, the "tolerant" Left's determination to • gut the First Amendment! --- the God given/natural Right for We the People to freely speak and question authority ... and certainly each other. From college campi, to Biden's telling Social Media to censor opinions and legit info that are contrary to his policies, to our Friends , Family and even Forum members being able to discuss what the hell the Left has foisted on America to "fundamentally transform" it.

The Left (via the Lame Stream Media) has done a "wonderful" job of convincing almost half of this country (the compliant proletariat) that to engage in dialogue and Free Speach is (and I quote) "normalizing hate speach". Soooo, John, many (most?) of those with whom you're socio-polically aligned would say that by engaging in dialogue you're indulging and lending credibility to the Haters, the Racists, the Fascists, the Nazis, the Deplorables, the Neandrathals, etcetera, etcetera. That trangression, my friend, will get you "cancelled"! My wife and I have had friends (self described as Progressive) who have totally severed our relationships (some of almost of 50 warm, loving years!) when we "confessed" we voted for Mr. Trump ... and wanted to just have an honest conversation about it. And my own (congenitally Dem) family has done essentially the same. What's wrong with this picture? In a word --- EVERYTHING! If it at all sounds grotesquely familiar --- you've experienced the movie/book "1984".

John, you would do yourself (and country) well to look into the history and core foundational tenets of the "Progressive" movements. The first "great" Progressive Dem President was Woodrow Wilson --- a former college professor who was an avowed, truly racist-racist who: • promoted the rebirth of the KKK in the 1920's; • did not support anti-lynching laws; • racially segregated the military; • did support Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood formeost aim to abort as many black babies as possible; • did express support (prior to WWII) for Facism as personified by Mussulini and even Herr Hitler; • jailed journalists, academics and many others who publically disagreed with his policies; • rountinely expressed his antipathy to the Constitution because it 'got in the way of getting things done'; and • on and • on and • on. The point being, the real tryrants have always been on the Left --- Marxists, Facists, Socialists, Communists, Liberals, and, yes, Progressives. A lust for Power and Control is in their DNA. While true Conservatives at their core are ardent advocates of Individual Freedom and Liberty and limited Government ... as codified by our Constitution.

BTW, this is NOT exactly a Dem Vs. Republican thing for me. I am an Independent (very independent!) CONSERVATIVE with no party allegiance whatsoever. I despise the neo-con Cheneys, Bushes, Romney, McConnell, et al. But the fact of the matter is, if you're looking for the "aisle" where you'll find the most of the admirable Conservatives --- it is on the Right.

John J Spokas

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Jul 9, 2010
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Naperville, IL
You’re as qualified as I am. 😬 I’m independent and don’t trust any form of our government but if you can’t say how screwed up this administration is and unfit Biden is then you’re heads in the sand. The hypocrisy is laughable. Can you imagine if any republican president couldn’t complete a coherent sentence like this guy. It’s an embarrassment
Um......so you are saying that Joe Biden is less articulate than Donald John Trump?

John J Spokas

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Jul 9, 2010
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Naperville, IL
BTW, this is NOT exactly a Dem Vs. Republican thing for me. I am an Independent (very independent!) CONSERVATIVE with no party allegiance whatsoever. I despise the neo-con Cheneys, Bushes, Romney, McConnell, et al. But the fact of the matter is, if you're looking for the "aisle" where you'll find the most of the admirable Conservatives --- it is on the Right.

Who on the right of the congressional aisle is the most admirable, who comes in second?


6 bay SS w/laundromat
Sep 7, 2007
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North Dakota
JJJ & others,

Without falsely accusing any on this forum when it comes to unintentionally supporting the far left's communist anti small business leaning ... I came across this "shedding of light" on a likely "root cause" of some of their struggles with credit card industry "merchant fee levels - charge backs etc".


John J Spokas

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Jul 9, 2010
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Naperville, IL
I am a progressive/?liberal? and I can't stand this woman!
She is a prime example of what is wrong with our elected representatives, both Dems and Repubs. Almost all of them are bribed legally.


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Sep 7, 2007
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I'm baaaack ... ready or not. I really regret being AWOL from this discussion. But I’ve been so very, VERY actively engaged elsewhere in this political battle — projects with local Patriot groups as well as vigorously creating circumstances to have such personal conversations with as many family and friends as possible. But back to THIS …

I have been sorely disappointed (but, I suppose, not all that surprised) that NONE of our respected Left leaning Forum members have responded to my sincere question and my most heartfelt plea. That is, for you guys to truly share what is in your head, heart and gut about the undeniably horrific results of “your” having supported those now in Power — those who are overtly and explicitly determined to “fundamentally transform” America into a Washington DC centralized, perpetually all powerful one-party system — “Socialism for the 21st Century”!

John has chimed in a coy wee bit. But no genuine “reveal” regarding The Big Picture and recognition of all the hellacious, anti-American, and destructive madness the Left/Libs/Progressives/Socialists/Dems have unleashed … and how they desperately desire to pull us ever deeper in an “American Marxist” morass. Do I have to specifically call out by name/Forum handle those of you from, uh, oh lets say, Texas and Illinois to share --- to “conversate” ?!! If you STILL honestly believe that your Leftist “tribe” has the answers and is on the right track — please acknowledge that … and then PLEASE try to explain how and why you STILL adhere to all that. Hmmm, then again, perhaps your “SILENCE speaks volumes”. Regardless ....

“Evil triumphs when good men do nothing” … and perhaps (in this humble microcosm) when good carwashing men and women say nothing. We are at a truly desperate, frightening, pivotal time in our Country’s history. We MUST talk and listen to one another. And when we find our selves in error — for God’s sake, for our Country’s sake and the generations to follow — SAY something, DO something!


John J Spokas

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Jul 9, 2010
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Naperville, IL
Folks that are elected into public office by the majority and then focus on issues to help their donors instead of the issues that the majority of the electorate are concerned about is the biggest problem we face in this country IMHO.

We need to get money out of politics. We need our elected officials to respond to the what the majority of the American people want when crafting policies, NOT the whims of their donors whose concern for the well being of the most of us is non existent.

Is this possible? I hope we find a way.

BTW, what is a leftist tribe? Are you lumping me into that group? I think that is useless name-calling and negative labeling which so often displaces any actual discussion of real issues.

Also, "Left/Libs/Progressives/Socialists/Dems" What is that Triple J? I am pretty sure I can qualify as a progressive but the other four popular scare words you included seem nonsensical, I mean that those scare words seem useless and very distracting to me when trying to discuss finding a better way to manage our resources in this country.

Your last sentence is perfect and I agree completely with it!


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Sep 7, 2007
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MUCH thanks for that, John … even tho’ THE question I keep asking, okay, BEGGING you (and ANY one else aligned with you on the Left) is NOT being answered. On Sept. 16, I posted a long (but only partial and GROWING!) litany of the disastrous outcomes and dire directions the Leftist leaders you empowered are responsible for. And I bottom-line, plaintively asked:

"For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on."

The sooner we all can honestly address that, the sooner we can begin to end, yes, the “tribalism” that is so painfully and needlessly dividing America. John, you took yet another tangent by expressing displeasure by my noting you were part of the “Leftist tribe”. You could not be objecting to the term “tribe” which is applied to both guys like me on the Right and you on the Left. Sooo, it’s gotta be “Left”. You do bump into to an important "sidebar" aspect of these ominous, truly “scary” times — socio-political “Labels”. Allow me to explain (contrary to your objection) why it is legit & logical to lump Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, and, yes, Progressivism ALL under the “LEFT label”. Kick back with a “cup of Joe” — insert your own Joe Biden pun :eek:) — and please thoughtfully chew on a bit of an essay:

When early on in this conversation, you identified yourself a “Progressive”. And I asked you —
Do you know the hard HISTORY and FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES of “your” Progressives?!! Please review my encapsulation of only some of the tyrannical goals and methods of the “first great Progressive” Democrat President, Woodrow Wilson. “Woody” was the first President to explicitly express disdain for our Constitution, which he wanted to gut if not obliterate. Why? Because he said it “got in the way” of his agenda and massive POWER grab.

Were Wilson’s methods a historic anomaly? No. Not hardly. Right now, the Left (in the person of most Dems) are grasping and plying for ever more Power and Control over virtually every aspect of your life … and your children. And it made my skin crawl when Hillary Clinton actually said in 2016 that she was a Progressive who yearned for the good ol’ days — a return to “classic” Progressivism. Perhaps not so blatantly racist, but certainly the same unConstitutional POWER mongering ... "all for your own good", of course. Hillary assumed she was safe revealing that because she knew most Americans are notoriously uninformed regarding our History. Sadly, she was — is — right. And as we see being played out in our Country today —“Those who do not know History are doomed to repeat its mistakes!”

John, you initially declared yourself a “Progressive” on this thread. Subsequently, you revealed your doubt as to whether you might actually be a “Liberal”. Let me help relieve your confusion about “Progressives” vs “Liberals” … and in which tribe you might be. Want to know the difference? It’s simple: there really ain’t no difference, my friend. Attached is poster I created after that Progressive AOC (admittedly a little hottie) began making a splash and pulling her compliant, all too easily seduced Party her very hard Left way. It colorfully illustrates “the difference” between the “varieties” of the Left’s proponents: Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Liberal, Progressive … Whatevva — it boils down to “Distinctions with little difference. It’s just a matter of degree.”

By the ’20’s, Americans had gotten more than enough of Woody’s “classic” Progressive, un-American, racist, anti-Constitutional tyranny. And then in the 1930’s, the American Progressives had a giddy, overt love affair with Mussolini’s Fascism and Hitler’s National SoZialism (the, uh, NAZI’s). That “little embarrassment” led to dropping the “Progressive” label, and slip sliding into (taaadaaahh) the “Liberal” label … especially in institutions of “higher learning”. That rebranding persisted while they mindlessly cheered on Commie Stalin in spite of his cruel, murderous purges of MILLIONS of his own Russian people. Then, by the mid 1990’s, the tag “Liberal” had justifiably become toxic, and a new wave of Republicans (led by Newt Gingrich) were swept into office. Soooo, the Left side of the aisle played their shell game once more and began slipping back onto their “forgotten” label “Progressive” … once again. Goes around, comes around.

It’s understandable why you’re unsure as to which label best suits you, John. You’re not alone. Currently the Left is flopping all around trying to find a “handle” that’s politically viable ... more "marketable". “Progressive” has the most ple Bernie_Cortez_Voltaire.jpg asant ring … for now. And “Liberal” still has some “legs” in some circles. However, our “higher education” system has convinced the up ’n coming generations of young “skulls full of mush” that “Marxist/Socialist” is THE way — smart, compassionate while being oh so edgy cool.

Sooo, John, have we dispensed with your problem with being under the Leftist “umbrella” and “tribe”?!! It is, what it is. Embrace it. And then PLEASE address my question posed in September. Respectfully, here it is yet AGAIN

“For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on."


6 bay SS w/laundromat
Sep 7, 2007
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North Dakota
Anybody read the following?:
Five Men Who Turned Liberation into Tyranny
by Donald T. Critchlow

I have not but I am hoping to find time to do that. At this point ... I am not sure if Donald Critchlow draws enough parallel to what is going on currently in the world though. What is going to help save the country & even the world IMHO does not appear to be the mainstream media that tends to "pop up as headlines on our cell phones" as the currently more dominant media. Hopefully, enough of the less corrupted judicial & law enforcement will also base their decisions on "appropriately weighted" facts when it comes to election fraud & reasonable precautions to prevent election fraud in the future.

My dear old dad (born in 1910) along with my over seven WWII who (honorably served) uncles ... used to have an old saying "the bigger they are ... the harder they fall". That has been something I have been clinging to ... especially ever since I have been noticing the "lack of looking at hard & extra clear evidence" by too many "elites" about the 2020 election perpetrated election fraud.

When I was at a tax study where our state legislators were hashing out "service tax inclusion" in our state; I will never forget the assistant to the chairman who was somewhat at odds with his chairman more in charge on the issue. While a bunch of us were in the restroom doing our business ... he made it a point to loudly proclaim while peeing "remember everyone ... what counts in politics is not so much reality but ... the perception of the public".

Thankfully, he was not the person most involved in moderating the discussion & hopefully never will be!
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