MUCH thanks for that, John … even tho’ THE question I keep asking, okay, BEGGING you (and ANY one else aligned with you on the Left) is NOT being answered. On Sept. 16, I posted a long (but only
partial and
GROWING!) litany of the disastrous outcomes and dire directions the Leftist leaders you empowered are responsible for. And I bottom-line, plaintively asked:
"For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on."
The sooner we all can honestly address that, the sooner we can begin to end, yes, the “tribalism” that is so painfully and needlessly dividing America. John, you took yet another tangent by expressing displeasure by my noting you were part of the “Leftist tribe”. You could not be objecting to the term “tribe” which is applied to
both guys like me on the Right and you on the Left. Sooo, it’s gotta be “Left”. You do bump into to an important "sidebar" aspect of these ominous, truly “scary” times —
socio-political “Labels”. Allow me to explain (contrary to your objection) why it is legit & logical to lump Marxism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, and, yes, Progressivism ALL under the “LEFT label”. Kick back with a “cup of Joe” — insert your own Joe Biden pun
) — and please thoughtfully chew on a bit of an essay:
When early on in this conversation, you identified yourself a “Progressive”. And I asked you —
Do you know the hard HISTORY and FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES of “your” Progressives?!! Please review my encapsulation of only some of the tyrannical goals and methods of the “first great Progressive” Democrat President, Woodrow Wilson. “Woody” was the first President to explicitly express
disdain for our Constitution, which he wanted to gut if not obliterate. Why? Because he said it “got in the way” of his agenda and massive POWER grab.
Were Wilson’s methods a historic anomaly? No. Not hardly. Right now, the Left (in the person of most Dems) are grasping and plying for ever more Power and Control over virtually every aspect of your life … and your children. And it made my skin crawl when Hillary Clinton actually said in 2016 that she was a Progressive who yearned for the good ol’ days — a return to “classic” Progressivism. Perhaps not so blatantly racist, but certainly the same unConstitutional POWER mongering ... "all for your own good", of course. Hillary assumed she was safe revealing that because she knew most Americans are notoriously uninformed regarding our History. Sadly, she was — is — right. And as we see being played out in our Country today —
“Those who do not know History are doomed to repeat its mistakes!”
John, you
initially declared yourself a “Progressive” on this thread. Subsequently, you revealed your doubt as to whether you might actually be a “Liberal”. Let me help relieve your confusion about “Progressives” vs “Liberals” … and in which tribe you might be. Want to know the difference? It’s simple:
there really ain’t no difference, my friend. Attached is poster I created after that Progressive AOC (admittedly a little hottie) began making a splash and pulling her compliant, all too easily seduced Party her very hard Left way. It colorfully illustrates “the difference” between the “varieties” of the Left’s proponents: Marxist, Communist, Socialist, Liberal, Progressive … Whatevva — it boils down to
“Distinctions with little difference. It’s just a matter of degree.”
By the ’20’s, Americans had gotten more than enough of Woody’s “classic” Progressive, un-American, racist, anti-Constitutional tyranny. And then in the 1930’s, the American Progressives had a giddy, overt love affair with Mussolini’s Fascism and Hitler’s National SoZialism (the, uh, NAZI’s). That “little embarrassment” led to dropping the “Progressive” label, and slip sliding into (taaadaaahh) the “Liberal” label … especially in institutions of “higher learning”. That rebranding persisted while they mindlessly cheered on Commie Stalin in spite of his cruel, murderous purges of MILLIONS of his own Russian people. Then, by the mid 1990’s, the tag “Liberal” had justifiably become toxic, and a new wave of Republicans (led by Newt Gingrich) were swept into office. Soooo, the Left side of the aisle played their shell game once more and began slipping back onto their “forgotten” label “Progressive” … once again. Goes around, comes around.
It’s understandable why you’re unsure as to which label best suits you, John. You’re not alone. Currently the Left is flopping all around trying to find a “handle” that’s politically viable ... more "marketable". “Progressive” has the most ple
asant ring … for now. And “Liberal” still has some “legs” in some circles. However, our “higher education” system has convinced the up ’n coming generations of young “skulls full of mush” that “
Marxist/Socialist” is THE way — smart, compassionate while being oh so edgy cool.
Sooo, John, have we dispensed with your problem with being under the Leftist “umbrella” and “tribe”?!! It is, what it is. Embrace it. And then PLEASE address my question posed in September. Respectfully, here it is yet
“For God's sake, what is it gonna take for you to thoughtfully, honestly and finally admit to yourself and others in your orbit --- "I made a terrible mistake in my socio-political support ... and I must make it Right!" Of course, if you're OK with all this "fundamentally transforming" of our country down the tubes, well, keep on keeping on."