Thought some of you might find this interesting. Yesterday I was informed that BB&T would no longer order or stock the $1 coins. ]
So we have large warehouses of dollar coins, and don't want to distribute them.
The Dollar coin is only available at my bank if i want a couple of rolls. I like my $1 Tokens really well at the wash, but todays kids have less and less cash, so credit cards readers or atms will be the future at the wash, if we want to keep our business.
I saw one on e-bay used for $650.00. How much new?
Is the paper dollar bill more deflated in value than the dollar coin somehow?
Thanks to all for some very valid input and thoughts. For the time being I am going to move many accounts to new banks but it not easy because I need to move my credit cards as well.
Thanks again.
We got our Cummins brand new back in Nov of 2002. I am pretty sure we paid right around $4K for it.
We have some common ground --- except that we on this side of the issue more dislike sorting & counting disproportionate numbers of quarters & one dollar bills compared to $5s & $10s & $20s It is pretty clear that dollar coins win the debate with the more healthy coin process!
Dollar coins do not have to be counted --- they can be weighed accurately enough within seconds. Extremely quick manual no expense sorting with a homemade device is easily done & has been demonstrated.
As far as all cash becoming moot for our self service operations in five years --- go for it!
.Mike, how much are you spending on advertising for the dollar coin and why? Does your equipment take the dollar coin and not quarters at the laundromat.
That cummins coin sorter doeslooks amazing. I just separate quarters and tokens with a screen , like panning for gold, that vanbrook tokens hooked me up with. Then just weigh the quarters or tokens with a direct dollar readout on salter scales. I don't think it's the gov't wanting electronic transactions as much as the people are. The people are all carrying smartphones that can do a 1000 things, and paying for things electronically is going to be another thing for them to do. I don't think people want to carry heavy coins or dirty paper money, they just want to buy things.
Micah Savell said:Thought some of you might find this interesting. Yesterday I was informed that BB&T would no longer order or stock the $1 coins.
I'm hoping Micah sees this thread before he quits his bank for something out of their control.DavidM said:Most interestingly, the rep also told me that banks will no longer be able to get the coins.
Even the phone "simple trigger less hardware" approach is not as simple as it appears at first glance. Again like I wrote to Earl above "Good Luck" (multiple reasons) when there is too much "just electronic". See below link: