Why do it the easiest way?!

FWIW...I don't care for proprietary lighting in the bays. They are usually expensive and when they go south, they go in the garbage can. No fixing or repairing or changing bulbs....I installed (3) bulb IP65 rated fixtures that use standsard 48" Led tube lights that can be changed out for about $4 per tube....I use daylight bulbs or 5000k-6000k. The controller (Thanks to CantBreak80 for putting me on to it) has an Astonomical Function Block that automatically updates on/off timing based on your Latitude/Longitude that you plug into the programming. My lights come on 1 hour before dusk and off 1 hour after daylight, all bulbs...Each bay on time delayed 2 seconds to limit inrush current. At 10pm, 2/3 of all the bulbs (2 per fixture) turn off and leave one on for security per fixture. (4 fixtures per bay). The inputs of the PLC are wired to the bay timers so after 10pm, the remaining 2 bulbs per fixture in a bay being used turns on after $ is inserted and the timer starts. When time runs out, I give them a 10 minutes grace period (drying time) before the lights go back to security....I probably should tidy up the wiring in the control panel...Saving for a rainy day...