Well-known member
Bead Up by Diamond Shine. Smells like lemon drops and produces a nice light white foam. Exceptional beading and can be bought in a 2x super concentrate.
You can make your own ultra-lean mixer for a 506 Hydrominder, just add a tee and a second eductor and tip. What seems to be most important is to have the one with the larger tip pulling from the already mixed tank closest to the eductor. I've tried it with and without a foot valve and screen in the mix tank and there doesn't seem to be any difference in how it works.
Are you diluting the was 3/1 first, or just using it as is?
I have done this but the only way to be sure what the dilution is .. is by checking the product drawn from the concentrate with the water used. There does not seem to be ny rel calculation that works. It's a trial and error thing.
I use mostly KR self serve chemicals. They look and perform well for me. The only problem I have is they gel up (algae?) frequently and stop up the strainers. I would change brands but the price is so good when they have the buy 3 get 1 free deal and free shipping for a pallet.
Had this issue and switched to Low PH product use it for both HP and Pre soak. Comes in different colors. . No more issues. Price is comparable.
Bead Up by Diamond Shine. Smells like lemon drops and produces a nice light white foam. Exceptional beading and can be bought in a 2x super concentrate.