Well-known member
No reason why you should be paying 7%,
What should we expect to pay? Also would like to know all the extra fees including the monthly or yearly.
No reason why you should be paying 7%,
You want to add all the associated numbers to your monthly costs (you need to have a cellular monthly plan for I think $10 or $15 per month). At least it is just one plan per site and not per device like Nayax. Still you need to check your cell bars. When I ran the numbers I think it was about 10% (perhaps slightly more) which is too high. At some point they will get their fees and owner functions to be competitive to CP. too many manufacturers tie our hands to one CC processor (almost all).I'm in the market for a CC system. Can you post some numbers here?
Why? PCI compliance is optional. When I worked for a distributor up to 2019, we were suddenly getting dinged for $600 a year for PCI compliance on a dial-up device. It doesn't get more compliant than that. We just refused to pay it, and they took it off the bill.Everyone must pay the PCI
I feel your pain. I’m a new car wash owner. Tried Monex and Cryptopay. Went with the Monex terminals and the fees average 8-9%.
Pay stations are a different animal than a unit with "Count Up" For an exact purchase there is no reason for a hold other than the exact amount of the Purchase. Like a Gasoline Dispenser, Count up requires a hold because until the purchase is completed their is no way of knowing how much it will be. This is in place until the transaction is "Batched out" and processed.
Ouch! Makes me feel better about the 3.5% fees from CryptoPay, which in reality are slightly higher if you add in the green receipts and remote start fees for the year.
This is on an IBA so the average is probably around $13.What is your average ticket? Putting those on vacs and SS bays would raise the rate a bit I assume because the average would be lower.
I'm taking my Monex devices OUT!!!
They take credit, credit/debit but not debit card only. Debit only cards are processed like a check. Monex/Kiosoft and John Farriuga will send you emails they will call you the next day, but don't. It is my opinion they just need costumers for R&D until they get it figured out, if they figure it out. I have 35-70 customers per month we run their debit card with our Apple Terminal. Just remember anyone you meet at the ICA is just renting a booth. The ICA does NOT vet vendors or monitor complaints, they are just a booth rental company only.
Two more down!
I'm taking my Monex devices OUT!!!
They take credit, credit/debit but not debit card only. Debit only cards are processed like a check. Monex/Kiosoft and John Farriuga will send you emails they will call you the next day, but don't. It is my opinion they just need costumers for R&D until they get it figured out, if they figure it out. I have 35-70 customers per month we run their debit card with our Apple Terminal. Just remember anyone you meet at the ICA is just renting a booth. The ICA does NOT vet vendors or monitor complaints, they are just a booth rental company only.
Two more down!