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Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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Can you give us some more details of exactly what the issue is? What system are you going with now?
not very reliable in self service bay. We keep them clean but failure rate is high. In vacuum under canopy they do well. I had USA/Cantaloupe devices that lasted longer and repairable. I'm going to Nayax with cat5 several car wash owners I know have had good luck with them. No unit is great or even good I would put Monex at the bottom. Just remember if you have a problem I'm sure they will tell you "we have never seen that"
The debit only cards are local banks and yes they do have MC and Visa logos.
The only reason I changed is I wanted cat5 to get out of the old system.
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Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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Are these debit cards without Master Card or Visa endorsements?

I've never seen a debit card without the Visa or MasterCard logo and I wouldn't want to risk taking something not ensured by either?
Yes they are!! Monex had me go through several exercises with KioSoft but they couldn't figure it out. Of course in the beginning it was the customers card was bad. Well, that got me through the too late to return period. So now I'm stuck with a bunch of crap.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2015
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out west
If that is indeed the case....that is disappointing. I have 10 sitting here too be installed and I bought them based on the specs and glowing reviews of a few well know people in the wash industry.

I'm going to reach out to my contact at Monex and get some clarification because I cannot not be able to process locals banks' debit cards. We have a bunch of small banks and credit unions here.

Thank you of sharing your experiences with us.


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Oct 26, 2021
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I'm taking my Monex devices OUT!!!

They take credit, credit/debit but not debit card only. Debit only cards are processed like a check. Monex/Kiosoft and John Farriuga will send you emails they will call you the next day, but don't. It is my opinion they just need costumers for R&D until they get it figured out, if they figure it out. I have 35-70 customers per month we run their debit card with our Apple Terminal. Just remember anyone you meet at the ICA is just renting a booth. The ICA does NOT vet vendors or monitor complaints, they are just a booth rental company only.

Two more down!
We process thousands of debit transactions every day, it is true there may be very specific non-network cards that could pose a problem We've offered to help many times but you refuse to work with us which is ok, I am happy you have found a solution that works for you.

Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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Yes they are!! Monex had me go through several exercises with KioSoft but they couldn't figure it out. Of course in the beginning it was the customers card was bad. Well, that got me through the too late to return period. So now I'm stuck with a bunch of crap.
If that is indeed the case....that is disappointing. I have 10 sitting here too be installed and I bought them based on the specs and glowing reviews of a few well know people in the wash industry.

I'm going to reach out to my contact at Monex and get some clarification because I cannot not be able to process locals banks' debit cards. We have a bunch of small banks and credit unions here.

Thank you of sharing your experiences with us.
I have a video too long to post text me your email and I believe I can get it to you.

Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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We process thousands of debit transactions every day, it is true there may be very specific non-network cards that could pose a problem We've offered to help many times but you refuse to work with us which is ok, I am happy you have found a solution that works for you.
John you know this is not true. I worked with you and had several conversations with KioSoft. You promised to call me you never did just hiding behind emails. You know what the problem is you just refuse to fix it.


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
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Seaford, DE
Hi all-any MONEXgroup client who believes they are experiencing abnormally high fees please DM me or contact your rep. We want to make sure your pricing is correct and you are happy with our agreement. There are many factors that can alter your statement to make it appear that you are paying higher fees including one-time fees as well as a location heavy with premium or debit cards. Regardless we are happy to analyze your statement anytime.
A fee is a fee; regardless if it is monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or yearly. This is how we figure percentage paid. Take a years worth of statements, add ALL THE FEES, divided by total sales. That is the percentage. This is how most processors stick it to us. They advertise some bs low monthly %, then add all these supposed one-time fees, or other recurring charges showing up as something besides the discount rate.

I know we are just car washers, but we can see what comes out of our account in total at the end of the year!


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Jan 30, 2021
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Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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I pre ordered 38 of the new cryptopay tap reader. Replacing 19 Nayax readers and older cryptopay readers. Had Nayax for few years on only vacs and some are starting to fail. Have had some cryptopay swipers for almost 10 years and still working. Cryptopay website is is ALOT more user friendly also. Im happy they finally came out with new reader.

looks slick hope it works great. Keep us updated on this unit!


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2017
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I pre ordered 38 of the new cryptopay tap reader. Replacing 19 Nayax readers and older cryptopay readers. Had Nayax for few years on only vacs and some are starting to fail. Have had some cryptopay swipers for almost 10 years and still working. Cryptopay website is is ALOT more user friendly also. Im happy they finally came out with new reader.

Curious to see how it performs. Saw the unit at NRCC in October. The software was still being refined. KR had about 2000 on order at the time. The QR scan feature looks neat but will depend on the software catching up with the hardware. Interested to hear how it goes as we have 30 swipers we would like to upgrade to the new unit. I just want to hear about the first experiences with them, I have been on the bleeding edge of upgrades so taking this one slowly. Only disappointment is that the button is separate from the unit. Should be a digital button in the unit.

Good luck!
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Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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Monex update!
my family has been in the self service business since 1972 at 8 years old my dad had me scrubbing whitewall tires. My dad and his brother purchased RACO Car Wash Systems in Joplin Mo in 1978 and developed Spot-Not Car Wash. In 1998 RACO was sold and I ran 7 locations of my own until 2021 when I sold 6 locations from 2018 to 2021. I have one location I've been playing with testing new equipment and full remodel. My automatic designed in 1964 by one of my Dads friends has lived a full life. That being said there are still several in service. I'm replacing my autos with 2 double barrel from wash world. Windtrax has been great to work with. I have had a few mistakes along the way two in particular one I will not mention, yet, and Monex. I wanted to give a little background so I'm not listed as a crazy man.
Bottom line Monex is not ready for the USA market. I was surprised because they have these swipes in Canada, I think their weather is little more extreme. This week I have 3 devices out of 5 self service bays that have failed. Nayax is no better than most in the beginning getting signed up so I'm in the process. In the USA small banks still process their debit cards like a check. Monex does not process these cards. I have had long talks with my bank and KioSoft. Every other credit card device I have looked at takes these cards. Monex knows what the problem is but continues not to fix the problem. In one of John's post he must know about the problem because he told everyone I wouldn't work with them. This is the first time he has confessed there is a problem. That's the first step! My 5 bays in the
last year have been through 2 more devices and 3 failures this week. Yes they gave me credit on 2 devices but I have $5,000.00 in Monex devices that might last one year each and can not be repaired.
something for everyone to think about.
View attachment IMG_3180.mov



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2021
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Curious to see how it performs. Saw the unit at NRCC in October. The software was still being refined. KR had about 2000 on order at the time. The QR scan feature looks neat but will depend on the software catching up with the hardware. Interested to hear how it goes as we have 30 swipers we would like to upgrade to the new unit. I just want to hear about the first experiences with them, I have been on the bleeding edge of upgrades so taking this one slowly. Only disappointment is that the button is separate from the unit. Should be a digital button in the unit.

Good luck!
I agree I wish the button was on the unit. I've had crypto swipers that are almost ten years old and still working. Im pretty confident they won't release a product until its ready. There website is so much easier than nayax and has way more features like remote activation, fleet accounts, coin count, site analytics, and more. Cryptopay was a no brainer for me. Only downside to crypto is the pending pre auth charge which is why I tried nayax in first place. The thing I learned is you can't satisfy everyone and If a customer is that stupid that they can't read signs and leave bad reviews over a $10 pre auth charge then I don't want them as my customers anyway. I don't know when my readers will be in but once they are ill give you an update.


Sep 21, 2021
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Hi all-any MONEXgroup client who believes they are experiencing abnormally high fees please DM me or contact your rep. We want to make sure your pricing is correct and you are happy with our agreement. There are many factors that can alter your statement to make it appear that you are paying higher fees including one-time fees as well as a location heavy with premium or debit cards. Regardless we are happy to analyze your statement anytime.
Well I wish someone would look at mine I just got two statements I think I've been online for about 5 months and at one car wash where I grossed sales of $800 the fees were $147 and if the other car wash where I made $1,432 the fees were $250 that's 17.1% in 18.1%. I mean this is ridiculous you know your literature says commensurate with crypto pay nothing could be further from the truth I'm not making any money off this but you guys are doing pretty good I had no idea I want these things to be under 10% or this was a really bad idea I bought 27 readers two still haven't been returned to me I've had to replace five total in a short period of time but these fees it's just beyond and I spoke to my rep I said is this going to continue Will these go down as the income goes up and I see that well the $800 income was 18.1 and the 20 or the $1,400 income was 17.1 so yes I guess it comes down a little but I'm not making any money I question if I may be losing money. Now I feel like the only thing I can do is go up on you know reduce the time and trying to make some profits anyway so far 85% of my income is still cash thank God seems all I've done is just creating new vendor to have to pay my profits away to How can I send you copies of my statements I would love to because when I spoke with my rep Brandon at Monex he said yeah that's that's pretty much what you can expect from now on which does not make me happy at all this is not acceptable especially when I read what others are paying. I'm considering just packing them up calling it a day 16 grand and it's not growing my business It's growing monex's business If I could go back in time yeah I don't do this



Well-known member
Oct 29, 2017
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Wow that percentage is like a loan shark rate, I do not think the ready cash stores take that big a cut....

I would contact their CEO, see if that gets you any changes, then post in the USA and Canada where I believe they are located. The government should look into CC processors because the old thought that CC fees are about 2-3% is never true, even with some of the better players. Monex, Nayax build a nice looking box but then screw the owner with crazy high fees. The Monex rep would not answer me with a straight answer in writing as to their fees so we never changed to them, just added CryptoPay taps instead. The CryptoPay fees are higher than they should be too, however not nearly as bad as Monex and Nayax. If carwash owners could convince Kleen-Rite to not sell them because of their practices or to place a note on their description about the high fees maybe you would get their attention. Good luck.


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Oct 26, 2021
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Well I wish someone would look at mine I just got two statements I think I've been online for about 5 months and at one car wash where I grossed sales of $800 the fees were $147 and if the other car wash where I made $1,432 the fees were $250 that's 17.1% in 18.1%. I mean this is ridiculous you know your literature says commensurate with crypto pay nothing could be further from the truth I'm not making any money off this but you guys are doing pretty good I had no idea I want these things to be under 10% or this was a really bad idea I bought 27 readers two still haven't been returned to me I've had to replace five total in a short period of time but these fees it's just beyond and I spoke to my rep I said is this going to continue Will these go down as the income goes up and I see that well the $800 income was 18.1 and the 20 or the $1,400 income was 17.1 so yes I guess it comes down a little but I'm not making any money I question if I may be losing money. Now I feel like the only thing I can do is go up on you know reduce the time and trying to make some profits anyway so far 85% of my income is still cash thank God seems all I've done is just creating new vendor to have to pay my profits away to How can I send you copies of my statements I would love to because when I spoke with my rep Brandon at Monex he said yeah that's that's pretty much what you can expect from now on which does not make me happy at all this is not acceptable especially when I read what others are paying. I'm considering just packing them up calling it a day 16 grand and it's not growing my business It's growing monex's business If I could go back in time yeah I don't do this
Hi-we are working on find
Well I wish someone would look at mine I just got two statements I think I've been online for about 5 months and at one car wash where I grossed sales of $800 the fees were $147 and if the other car wash where I made $1,432 the fees were $250 that's 17.1% in 18.1%. I mean this is ridiculous you know your literature says commensurate with crypto pay nothing could be further from the truth I'm not making any money off this but you guys are doing pretty good I had no idea I want these things to be under 10% or this was a really bad idea I bought 27 readers two still haven't been returned to me I've had to replace five total in a short period of time but these fees it's just beyond and I spoke to my rep I said is this going to continue Will these go down as the income goes up and I see that well the $800 income was 18.1 and the 20 or the $1,400 income was 17.1 so yes I guess it comes down a little but I'm not making any money I question if I may be losing money. Now I feel like the only thing I can do is go up on you know reduce the time and trying to make some profits anyway so far 85% of my income is still cash thank God seems all I've done is just creating new vendor to have to pay my profits away to How can I send you copies of my statements I would love to because when I spoke with my rep Brandon at Monex he said yeah that's that's pretty much what you can expect from now on which does not make me happy at all this is not acceptable especially when I read what others are paying. I'm considering just packing them up calling it a day 16 grand and it's not growing my business It's growing monex's business If I could go back in time yeah I don't do this
Hi-the top portion is MONEX's fees, the network (small ticket) is charging the majority of the rest. Working on a resolution for you....hope to have the fix this week.

Since 1972

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Oct 8, 2023
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What a tangled web we weave. 😂
Before anyone ask "why you laugh"
I'm getting off this crazy train.
aka John used another John (code name) to contact me on November 27, 2023 via email. About my devices not living up to the hype. I emailed back I would call on that Wednesday at 11am CST, no answer. Not long after via car wash form using different profile a man named John said he was under the weather code for little sick and he would contact me. He hasn't yet. How many John's are there and is he only one guy using many alias talking to many people. We must get to the bottom of this be careful don't turn around you just might see this person or more than one John.
All I want is the thousands of dollars I spent on these DEVICES THAT DONT WORK!!!!

Greg Pack

Wash Weenie
Sep 3, 2007
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Hoover, Alabama
Well I wish someone would look at mine I just got two statements I think I've been online for about 5 months and at one car wash where I grossed sales of $800 the fees were $147 and if the other car wash where I made $1,432 the fees were $250 that's 17.1% in 18.1%. I mean this is ridiculous you know your literature says commensurate with crypto pay nothing could be further from the truth I'm not making any money off this but you guys are doing pretty good I had no idea I want these things to be under 10% or this was a really bad idea I bought 27 readers two still haven't been returned to me I've had to replace five total in a short period of time but these fees it's just beyond and I spoke to my rep I said is this going to continue Will these go down as the income goes up and I see that well the $800 income was 18.1 and the 20 or the $1,400 income was 17.1 so yes I guess it comes down a little but I'm not making any money I question if I may be losing money. Now I feel like the only thing I can do is go up on you know reduce the time and trying to make some profits anyway so far 85% of my income is still cash thank God seems all I've done is just creating new vendor to have to pay my profits away to How can I send you copies of my statements I would love to because when I spoke with my rep Brandon at Monex he said yeah that's that's pretty much what you can expect from now on which does not make me happy at all this is not acceptable especially when I read what others are paying. I'm considering just packing them up calling it a day 16 grand and it's not growing my business It's growing monex's business If I could go back in time yeah I don't do this

Gwash, it looks like you are probably worst case scenario. A couple of quick observations:

If I read this right your ticket average is less than $4.00? I think you need to figure out a way to get those way up by going to count up, etc. I have an average of $12 but I have IBAs.

I see some 1.00 transactions. That's going to skew things badly especially if you have a swipe fee.

I'm assuming you have fixed monthly fees per terminal? That's going to also skew things badly at a low grossing wash.

At the very least, consider going up .25 on everything to cover the credit card fees, but especially on whatever yo're chargng 1.00 for.


Living the American Dream
Sep 4, 2007
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Irmo, SC
@APW it has been a little over 6 months since your last post on the Monex swiper you added. Any updates you would like to share, as far as reliability and fees? TIA


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Jun 9, 2013
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I just took it out and went back with cryptopay. The swiper worked fine but the customers didn't understand that you have to select the wash on the pay station and then select the same wash on the card reader. I had customers getting charged two or three times because they did not understand the process. I even had a sign on the paystation.