Well I wish someone would look at mine I just got two statements I think I've been online for about 5 months and at one car wash where I grossed sales of $800 the fees were $147 and if the other car wash where I made $1,432 the fees were $250 that's 17.1% in 18.1%. I mean this is ridiculous you know your literature says commensurate with crypto pay nothing could be further from the truth I'm not making any money off this but you guys are doing pretty good I had no idea I want these things to be under 10% or this was a really bad idea I bought 27 readers two still haven't been returned to me I've had to replace five total in a short period of time but these fees it's just beyond and I spoke to my rep I said is this going to continue Will these go down as the income goes up and I see that well the $800 income was 18.1 and the 20 or the $1,400 income was 17.1 so yes I guess it comes down a little but I'm not making any money I question if I may be losing money. Now I feel like the only thing I can do is go up on you know reduce the time and trying to make some profits anyway so far 85% of my income is still cash thank God seems all I've done is just creating new vendor to have to pay my profits away to How can I send you copies of my statements I would love to because when I spoke with my rep Brandon at
Monex he said yeah that's that's pretty much what you can expect from now on which does not make me happy at all this is not acceptable especially when I read what others are paying. I'm considering just packing them up calling it a day 16 grand and it's not growing my business It's growing
monex's business If I could go back in time yeah I don't do this