Red Baron
Active member
I saw next year the show is to be held at the Sands Convention Center instead of the original convention center also the Sands Convention Center is smaller in size as well.
Any venue would be better than the Las Vegas Conventional Center. My wife and I had to park our rental car at the far south end of the far south parking lot, a very long way from the convention hall - in fact I commented that there were only 5 cars that could possibly be any farther from the convention center than we were. For a one-legged guy it makes for a long walk, then add the walk through the convention hall and booths and blisters were the order of the day.
I much prefer the hotel convention centers where our mfg co has exhibited, i.e., Paris, Mandalay. It's nice to be able to go back to your room for an hour nap in the middle of the show.