I have a 2 IBA with identical WW
Razor Profiles. Very happy with the machines and the company. WW provides a customer training at their headquarters in Green Bay. I went last year and found it very valuable, as most people know being able to do your own maintenance can save big dollars.
Repair costs: let's put aside the normal repair items that we expect to replace like hoses, WW-specific items tend to be expensive IMO. Last week I replaced the driver assist speaker...about $400 for the speaker and another 250 for the install, ouch. A while before that we replaced the rollers that support the "e-chain", it is a long bolt, pvc roller and end cap and each one was almost $200. That said I don't find myself needing to repair things often.
Someone else in this chain mentioned the customer support of
WashWorld and I'll second that motion. A few weeks back I was having an issue where I would get daily wash counts emailed from one machine but not the other. I called up and over the course of two days the guys there helped me figure it out. They stayed on the phone while I did troubleshooting and called in extra SME support when needed.
Overall happy with WW.