...and then was second guessing myself.
Multiply 60 by 6 comes out to 360 seconds, divide 360 by 8 comes out to 45 seconds per quarter.
Chaz & Randy,
When the seconds in the bay & for whatever ... becomes less & less ... it becomes more & more compelling to find ways to encourage the better availability & use of higher denomination coins! Unless the operator buys into being totally dependent on merchant fee based payment systems.
Chaz & Randy,
When the seconds in the bay & for whatever ... becomes less & less ... it becomes more & more compelling to find ways to encourage the better availability & use of higher denomination coins! Unless the operator buys into being totally dependent on merchant fee based payment systems.
Bill accepters take 5' and 10's even 20's if you want. Better than dollars any day.
I guess all the Gas Stations who have a whopping 20% gross margin don't know what they are doing with CC pay at the pump.
I was mostly pointing out that fewer seconds per coin operated vac ... makes the quarter less viable.