japanese and korean cars faced similar hate and disdain when introduced to the market. its always good to have competition, maybe it'll drive the price of components down. god knows its too high right now.
Yes, but when Japanese and Korean cars were introduced into the US market it they were not anywhere near the quality they are today. Many of them have evolved immensely and it is their current quality that puts them on par with other manufacturers. They didn’t drive the price of domestic cars down because they were not of the same quality, and now that they are comparable, their price is commensurate with other vehicles in the same class. Additionally, the disdain was because of the quality, level of the vehicle, support and dealers and not the country of origin.
The same will hold true with these machines. They will be embraced if the build, operation quality, support and distribution network is on par or better than with the current major manufacturers. If they fall short in any of these areas, they will probably not get a lot of traction. I doubt Honda and Toyota would be selling all the vehicles they are today if they didn’t up their game since they first appeared in the US market.