I have been using the same two Automatics for over 6 years and have never changed a wheel, tire or had a problem with the drive system. It would seem that
PDQ could improve on this design if others are doing it. This is the same antiquated system that farm equipment used 40 years ago. Someone is asleep on this one. I would look at other options or demand some engineering improvements.
PDQ , to my understanding ,will not be making any improvements to the LW 4000. For years we have been making our own improvements to their design.
They have done nothing to help the end user in recent years. as a matter of fact they have made it harder for the lowly LW 4000 operators. Just read the number of posts from frustrated owners ,who all they want to do is to get their business back up ,and running.
We are lucky ,we have been doing this along time ,and can repair any issue that comes up,except one ,2 months ago I had a watchdog reset ,and lost my option number ,call the distributor,and the tech said they had to come out .We have had to do this before,and was able to do it over the phone. I told them we could do it over the phone,and was told NO. I called our pals at
PDQ ,and was told to call the distributor. I have extra controllers , so the one with the wrong system number sits in a pile.
Washworld here we come.
One other note. this is not a slam on the people who work at
PDQ (alot of good people who are doing what they are told), but the company itself(Management).