I try to be reasonable in the way I conduct my life. At least by my standards. I think that my reactions to different situations should all follow the same thought process. Here's an example. The general public looks at smokers as blatently evil people. Their smoking will kill my relatives by second hand smoke, and increase all insurance costs due to smokers getting sick more often. They (smokers) make a voluntary decision to smoke, no one forces them to do it. Well, how about the people who get AIDS? We screen blood supplies now, so that 99.9% of people who get this do so by doing something of their own choosing. They shoot up drugs with the same needle, have unprotected sex with multiple partners, or engage in anal sex. Yet people with AIDS have national campaigns to help them. It's considered chic to wear an AIDS ribbon to show you care. It is a behavorially spread disease. Stop the behavior, stop the disease. What am I missing here?