actually for the Supersaver it is normal. They only have 1 pump, 1 tank, 1 color for the "tri-color" gun. You can change it yourself to a multicolor (spray a different color) by adding some tanks and solenoids or to a true tri-color by changing out the whole backend (pumps, tanks, wires, etc....).
I found a tip I like - it's a 1/8" V-spray 1540 SS. It doesn't fan much, but it's a lot more than a stream. I tried the 2540 and I felt there was too much fan.
You've got the wrong signage strip if you just have one tank. It should say foaming conditioner instead of triple shine. You can get a menu strip to change it.
I use a foaming rain-x type product in my single color system. It works great.